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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:春节象征着新的一年的到来 The Spring Festival symbolizes the arrival of a new year.symbolizes 象征,是动词,可以用means(意味着)代替 也可翻译成:The Spring Festival is the symbol of the arrival of a new year.

答:Fish symbolizes more than one year.这里的重点词汇:象征symbol; symbolize; emblem; signify; emblematize 年年有余Every year have enough thing to spend.; Year by year enough 其他与年年有余有关的例句:1、鱼总是晚餐必不可少的,因为鱼象征着年年有余。Fish is always essential for ...


the red symbolize 英语翻译
答:在西方,红色象征着什么?绿色?玫瑰花?虞美人草?Red symbolizes virtue and power in the west.The color “green” usually symbolizes youth,future and hope.Roses symbolize both peace,love and forgiveness.White roses are for true love.Red roses are for passion.Yellow roses are for friendship...

答:What does red symbolize in China?回答 It symbolizes luck in China.

答:The bigger five-pointed star in Chinese flag symbolizes Chinese communist party,other four samller ones symbolize workers,farmer,petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie,all together four classes.the flag is red,symbolizes revolution,the stars are yellow,symbolizes Chinese are yellow ...

答:“它象征着幸福和团圆”的英文是“It symbolizes happiness and reunion.”幸福,是一种能够长期存在的平和、舒畅的精神状态,评价标准是目标值(预期)是否能够达成,关键在于目标值的选取和达成目标的能力,二者重合后即可实现,目标值等于能力上限时达到极值。生活中,人们常会误以为幸福来自对比,实际上同...

答:春节习俗英文介绍如下:In Chinese mythology, a monster called nian would come out to harm people on New Year's Eve, so people get together, staying up and chatting, hoping for a peaceful passage of time. The custom of staying up (Chinese: shou tai sui) symbolizes the ...

答:“The zongzi, a traditional food for the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, represents many cultural significances in Chinese culture. It symbolizes the importance of family reunion and the value placed on intergenerational bonds. Its triangular shape, with a tapered end, is believed to have...

答:Yacht To see a yacht in your dream, symbolizes wealth, pleasure, and luxury. You are worry-free and pursuing a life of ease. It may also indicate your desire to devote more time to recreational pursuits. You need to take it easy for a while.Yak To see a yak in your ...

余肺舍15070208261:    symbolizing是什么意思 -
程文货:      : symbolize [英][ˈsɪmbəlaɪz][美][ˈsɪmbəˌlaɪz] vt. 象征; 用符号表现; vi. 使用符号; 采用象征; 作为…的象征; 第三人称单数:symbolizes现在分词:symbolizing过去式:symbolized过去分词:symbolized形近词:...

余肺舍15070208261:    英语翻译RT, -
程文货:      :[答案] 春节象征着新的一年的到来The Spring Festival symbolizes the arrival of a new year.symbolizes 象征,是动词,可以用means(意味着)代替也可翻译成:The Spring Festival is the symbol of the arrival of a new y...

余肺舍15070208261:    stand for,symbolize都表示象征的意思吗,有什么区别? -
程文货:      : stand for,指代表(一般指缩写).E.g. US stands for the united states.symbolize指象征(标志之类的)e.g.The great wall symbolizes China.

余肺舍15070208261:    象征了追求恋爱自由的精神的翻译是:什么意思 -
程文货:      : 象征了追求恋爱自由的精神.用英语表达 翻译如下:It symbolizes the spirit of pursuing freedom of love.重点词汇释义:象征 symbol; symbolize; emblem; signify; emblematize 追求 seek; aspire; woo; court; aspire after 恋爱 love; amativeness 自由 free; freedom; liberty; unrestrained; at liberty

余肺舍15070208261:    英语翻译Tonic,orange (橙色) symbolizes the joy of long living friendship. -
程文货:      :[答案] 汤力,橙色象征着友谊天长地久的喜悦.

余肺舍15070208261:    月亮象征着团圆,而红玫瑰象征着爱情.这句话的英语怎样说 -
程文货:      : The moon symbolizes reunion, the red rose symbolizes love.

余肺舍15070208261:    象征了美国社会中的阶级分化及不同阶层之间的不可调和的矛盾英语怎么说 -
程文货:      : 象征了美国社会中的阶级分化及不同阶层之间的不可调和的矛盾 It symbolizes the class differentiation in American society and the contradiction between different classes.象征了美国社会中的阶级分化及不同阶层之间的不可调和的矛盾 It symbolizes the class differentiation in American society and the contradiction between different classes.

余肺舍15070208261:    英语翻译Fragile as a pearl,light pink rose symbolizes youth. -
程文货:      :[答案] 淡粉玫瑰,娇若珍珠,喻作青春.

余肺舍15070208261:    微胶囊包埋技术 的英文名称是什么??? -
程文货:      : 微胶囊化过程microencapsulation(也适用于搂主的问题) 微胶囊 microcapsule 绝对可信,我毕业设计做这个,查阅了无数的中英文文献资料.

余肺舍15070208261:    写一篇英语的小作文40词这样 -
程文货:      : symbolizes good luck. The celebration of Spring Festival may commonly last for 7 days, which is highlighted as one of the symbols of traditonal Chinese culture.

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