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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-16

答:hrough prep(连词).(1)从……通过,穿过 e. g. The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流经伦敦。比较:across是从平面或表面穿过,如across the street, 而along 是沿着……走。(2)在……中,一直到 e. g. She nursed me through my long illness.我病了很长时间,她都一直...

答:“Through”可以有多种含义,其中一个可能的意思是“穿过”或“通过某个位置”。我们可以用“walk through the door”来表达“从门穿过去”,或者说“drive through the tunnel”表示“通过隧道”。在这种情况下,“through”通常表示穿过或穿过某个区域的动作。除此之外,“through”还可以表示“完成某事...

through用法 问题: through用法
答:through是个介词,其后接动词的时候,动词应该用动名词的形式,也就是-ing形式,与时态没有什么关系。adj.直达的,直通的例句:The only through bus to the railway station is No. 115.唯一直达火车站的公共汽车是115号。例句:Is this a through carriage for Suzhou from here?这是从这里去苏州...

穿过英语怎么读 through

答:through一个音节。因为ough是字母组合,在这里读作长元音【uː】,辅音字母组合th的发音为【θ】,字母r读作【r】,所以的这个单词的发音为【θruː】。adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全 prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到 adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的 例句:...



答:through是介词,副词或形容词,没有过去式。英语中,只有动词才有过去式。可以翻译为通过、穿过,等等。应用广泛。易将through和thought,cross,across,over等词弄混淆。需要注意区分它们的含义。例句:1、These are mostly available through itunes.其中多数可以通过iTunes下载。2、We construct ourselves ...

答:across,cross是横过的意思 across是介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配 cross是动词,通常可以直接放在句子中 through是穿过 跟across一样介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配 through与cross的不同在于方向 through是直过cross是横过 例:I went across the road = I cross the road 我横过马路(经斑马...

答:短语搭配 go through 参加;经受;仔细检查;被通过 all through 一直;始终 through with 完成 through and through 完全,彻底;彻头彻尾地 through it all 一路走过(歌词);经过所有(歌词)[1]双语例句 He breezed through the tests.他轻松顺利地通过了这些测试。I looked through the keyhole....

萧甄刷19279696486:    through - 搜狗百科
顾凝奖:      : through 英[θru:] 美[θru] prep. 透过; 经由; 通过,穿过; 凭借; adv. 从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终; adj. (电话) 接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的; [例句]The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse 雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入,剧院的观众被疏散了.

萧甄刷19279696486:    through怎么读 -
顾凝奖:      :[答案] through 英[θru:] 美[θru] prep.通过,穿过;经由;透过;凭借 adv.从头到尾;彻底;自始至终 adj.(电话)接通;通话完毕;有洞的;直达的 [例句]The brain learns through experience. 脑学会通过的经验.

萧甄刷19279696486:    through是什么意思 -
顾凝奖:      : through 1. 穿过;通过 The river runs through our village. 这条河穿过我们的村子. 2. 以,用,凭借 She got the position through her older brother. 她通过她哥哥获得那个职位. 3. 由于,因为 They became unemployed through no fault of their own. ...

萧甄刷19279696486:    “through”这个英语单词是什么意思? -
顾凝奖:      : “through”这个英语单词是什么意思的回答如下:1、答案:通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全 2、单词:through 3、发音:[θruː] 4、词性:形容词;副词 5、例句: 1)The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员...

萧甄刷19279696486:    through 什么意思?用法? -
顾凝奖:      : prep. 1. 通过,穿过,经过: We walked rapidly through the back door. 我们快速走过后门. We pushed our way through the crowd. 我们从人群中挤过去. 2. 遍及;在…的中间;在…之间;从一边到一边: I toured through Europe last summer. 去...

萧甄刷19279696486:    through是什么意思
顾凝奖:      : through 通过 1. 他从水里出来 到了沙滩上 2. 孩子们再哭 大人在扔石头(--!)

萧甄刷19279696486:    through的中文意思 -
顾凝奖:      : 通过 谢谢采纳!

萧甄刷19279696486:    through是什么意思及反义词 -
顾凝奖:      : run through [英][rʌn θru:][美][rʌn θru] 贯穿; 跑着穿过…; (使)在…流过; 匆匆查阅;例句:1. Two other common motifs run through this year's rebellions. 贯穿今年的反抗活动的两个其他普通主题.2. You run through my tainted blood. 你穿过我的血液污染.

萧甄刷19279696486:    英语 through词性 用法 -
顾凝奖:      : through prep(连词).(1)从……通过,穿过e. g. The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流经伦敦.比较:across是从平面或表面穿过,如across the street, 而along 是沿着……走.(2)在……中,一直到e. g. She nursed me ...

相关链接: plough through them | get through to sb | break through | certainly | put up with | obsession with | thoroughly | all the way | thoughtful | come over | through tough times | through和across的区别 | come through | cut through | connect back through | at the risk of | mainly | thank you for your time | through the roof | success | throughout history | brought | through the road | independently | pull through | turn out |

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