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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:By learning to forget Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost....

may the force be with you是什么意思
答:may the force be with you 愿与你在一起的力量 may the force be with you 愿与你在一起的力量

A cat may look at a king是什么意思
答:A cat may look at a king 小人物也有权利; 这是一句英语谚语 本义 猫也有权晋见国王。其他英语谚语 Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌 Barking dogs seldom bite.爱叫的狗不咬人 A crafty knave needs no broker. 狡猾的流氓,不需居间人。A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. 户枢不...

guard 和 secunrity guard分别
答:A policeman kept guard over the prisoners. However we may also use "guard" when we refer it to a person's job.参考: me 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你!guard可以系解哨兵; 卫兵; 警备员; 看守员 secunrity ...

答:A translocon complex that contains a core heterotrimer of conserved alpha, beta and gamma subunits, and may contain additional proteins (translocon-associated proteins or TRAPs)就是内质网膜上的一种移位子蛋白复合物。由一个核心αβγ亚基的异三聚体亚基组成,可能还包含其他蛋白。

答:My understanding would be that the same document had been released in some other places. For example, Other Release No.: LR-22902 might refer to an issuance called LR, and 22902 is the numbering under such issuance. You may want to email SEC to confirm. U.S. organizations are...

may the forece be with you 是什么意思
答:may the force be with you [英][mei ðə fɔ:s bi: wið ju:][美][me ði fɔrs bi wɪð ju]愿力量与你同在。be with you:和你在一起。双语例句:1、It is a great honour to be with you at this evening party.今天很荣幸能...

mien phi tai phim dit nhau是什么意思?
答:mien phi tai phim dit nhau的意思:全部释义和例句>>风采披大屏DIT来说。短语 Personnel mien 员工风采 ; 首页 mien mien 风采 Staff Mien 员工风采 artistic mien 艺术风采 Kim Mien 兼勉族 mien mian 些函两 Li Mien 李勉 Mien Tay 一为棉泰 ; 则请到棉泰 ; 胡志明市的棉泰 TA MIEN 大面...

may the force be with you是什么意思
答:fɔrs bi wɪð ju]愿力量与你同在。be with you:和你在一起。双语例句:1、It is a great honour to be with you at this evening party.今天很荣幸能参加你们的晚会。2、I shall be with you in two ticks.我过会儿就到。3、Be with you in a sec.马上回来。

my plan for the may lst holiday
答:for the may 1st holiday Well, I guess it is a short holiday, only 3 days. So i have to plan it carefully. First day, I will go camping with my best friends, I will spend my whole day in the park to relax. At night, I will go shopping to buy stuffs I want. Sec...

别农柄18517494998:    sin平方15度+COS平方15度+tan平方15度+cot平方15度+sec平方15度+csc平方15度= -
武亮贞:      : sin平方15度=1/4*(2-根号3) csc平方15度=8+4*根号3 cos平方15度=1/4*(2+根号3) sec平方15度=8-4*根号3 tan平方15度=7-4*根号3 cot平方15度=7+4*根号3 相加得 sin平方15度+COS平方15度+tan平方15度+cot平方15度+sec平方15度+csc平方15度=31

别农柄18517494998:    若cos(x)+cos(y)=1, sec(x)+sec(y)=4, 求x+y
武亮贞:      : cos(x)+cos(y)=1sec(x)+sec(y)=4, 也即1/cosx +1/cosy =4 联立方程解得 cosx=cosy=1/2 所以接下来讨论一下x 和 y 的值就行了

别农柄18517494998:    让0 0 0 0=24成立,左边可以用任何运算,右边不动. -
武亮贞:      : [cos0+cos0+cos0+cos0]!=24 [exp(0)+exp(0)+exp(0)+exp(0)]!=24 [sin0+sin0+sin0+sin0]!=24 [tan0+tan0+tan0+tan0]!=24 [sinh(0)+sinh(0)+sinh(0)+sinh(0)]!=24 双曲正弦 [cosh(0)+cosh(0)+cosh(0)+cosh(0)]!=24 双曲余弦 (sec0+sec0+sec0+sec0)!=24

别农柄18517494998:    lim(x→0) x - tanx/x+tanx=? -
武亮贞:      : 给出两个方法: 一是用洛比达法则,lim(x→0) (x-tanx)/(x+tanx)=lim(x→0)(1-sec²x)/(1+sec²x)=0 二是用到重要极限lim(x→0)sinx/x=1. lim(x→0) (x-tanx)/(x+tanx)=lim(x→0)(xcosx-sinx)/(xcosx+sinx)=lim(x→0)(cosx-sinx/x)/(cosx+sinx/x)=0

别农柄18517494998:    特殊三角函数值表 -
武亮贞:      : 你好 く林沫沫°の| 360° | 270°| 0°| 15° | 30° | 37°| 45°sin | 0 | -1 | 0 |(√6-√2)/4 | 1/2 | 3/5 |√2/2cos | 1 | 0 | 1 |(√6+√2)/4 |√3/2 | 4/5 |√2/2tan | 0 | 无值 | 0 | 2-√3 |√3/3 | 3/4 | 1____________________________________________________...

别农柄18517494998:    化简:[cos(α - 5π)+2sin(3π - α)]/[csc(3π+α)+sec(5π+α)] -
武亮贞:      : [cos(α-5π)+2sin(3π-α)]/[csc(3π+α)+sec(5π+α)]=[cosacos5π+sinasin5π+2(sin3πcosa-cos3πsina)]/[1/sin(3π+a)+1/cos(5π+a)]=[-cosa+2sina]/[-1/sina-1/cosa]=(-cosa+2sina)*sinacosa/(-cosa-sina)=(-1+2tana)tana/(-1-tana)=(tana-2tan²a)/(1+tana)

别农柄18517494998:    ∫(xarctanx)/√(1+x∧2)dx -
武亮贞:      : 令x=tanθ, 则∫[xarctanx/√(1+x^2)]dx = ∫θtanθsecθdθ =∫θd(secθ) = θsecθ-∫secθdθ = θsecθ-ln|tanθ+secθ|+C = arctanx*√(1+x^2)+ln[x+√(1+x^2)]+C

别农柄18517494998:    求下列函数的导数:①f(x)=2x/x∧2+1②f(x)=x∧2+sinx/2cosx/2 -
武亮贞:      : ①f(x)=2x/(x∧2+1) f'(x)=[2(x^2+1)-4x^2]/(x∧2+1)^2 =(2-2x^2)/(x∧2+1)^2 ②f(x)=x∧2+sinx/2cosx/2=x^2+1/4tanx f'(x)=2x+sec^2(x)/4

别农柄18517494998:    一道高数计算题(1/cos^2(x+y))*(1+y')=y'怎么算到答案是y'= - 1/sin^2(x+y) -
武亮贞:      :[答案] 即sec²(x+y)+sec²(x+y)*y'=y'[sec²(x+y)-1]y'=-sec²(x+y)tan²(x+y)*y'=-sec²(x+y)即sin²(x+y)/cos²(x+y)*y'=-1/cos²(x+y)所以y'=-1/sin8(x+y)

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