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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

用You should造句
答:1.You should have finished your homework.2.He should have taken the medicine.3.I should have listened to your advice.1.You shouldn't have drunken coffee.2.He shouldn't have met his friends.3.I shouldn't have listened to your suggestion.4.you should be a good girl.5.you ...

should you 还是 you should
答:should you和you should都是对的,前者用在疑问句句首,后者用在陈述句。一、should you 1、读音:英 [ʃʊd ju ] 美 [ʃʊd jə ]2、释义:你应该...?3、语法:should是助动词shall的过去式,只用于第一人称,用于陈述语气,构成第一人称过去将来时、过去将...

答:you should是一个英语助动词,有两种常见的用法:一种用法是表示建议或劝告,意思是“你应该……”或“你最好……”。这时候,you should后面要加一个动词的原形,例如:You should study hard.(你应该努力学习。)You should not smoke.(你最好不要抽烟。)另一种用法是表示推测或可能性,意思是...

用You should造句。
答:How stupid you were. You should have known what he was driving at.你真傻,他这点意思都听不出来。You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.参与其中时一定要小心谨慎,表态之前最好试探一下。That's a beautiful piece of work. You should...

例句中为什么不用you should?
答:you should 中文意思是:你应该 should [英][ʃʊd][美][ʃʊd]应该; 将会; 可能; 本应;you [英][ju][美][jə]pron.你; 大家; 你们,您们; 各位;复数:yous形近词:YOU 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调...

you should后面加什么
答:should的用法 一.should的释义 (常用于纠正别人) 应该,应当; (提出或征询建议) 该,可以; (表示预期) 应该会,可能;二.should的用法 1、表示“应该,应当”He should work harder.他应该更加努力。You should help your mother with the housework.你应该帮你母亲做家务。Crime should be ...

you should后面跟什么

should you 还是 you should
答:“Should you”跟“You should”都是正确的。一、“Should you”是提问句式,放在疑问句中,有“万一,如果,难道”等意思;如:Which one should you choose? 您应该选择哪一种呢?二、“You should”是一般陈述句,表示“你应该···”的意思,后面接动词原形,常用来表示建议或命令等。如:You ...

为什么说“你应该”是you should而不是you shall?
答:What shall we do this moring?或用于第一,第三人称的疑问句:Shall we dance ?(很有用哟)When shall she leave oou class?特别注意,当shall用于第二,第三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令,警告,允诺或威胁 You shall die if you disclose all the state secerts to the foreigners.而should则可以用...

You should + (动词原形还是动词ing?
答:You should + 原形 捉鱼:catch fish 做运动:take/do (some) exercises

项相魏15021106917:    I insist that you (should) see a doctor. 这种句型叫什么? -
滑封树:      : 这种句型有两个句子组成 主句是主谓宾句型 从句也是主谓宾句型 I是主句的主语 insist 是主句的谓语 that 引导宾语从句,在主句中担任宾语 you宾语从句的主语 (should) see 宾语从句的谓语(此处为复合谓语) a doctor宾语从句的宾语 理解了语法,就能理解句子意思了,我坚持认为你需要去找个医生看看. 插播:insist这个动词意思是“坚决要求”,这个动词之后的宾语从句一定要用虚拟式动词原形 或者should + 动词原形,以后多遇到就融会贯通了. 语法爱好者上.

项相魏15021106917:    you should see a doctor.(改为问句)可不可以改为how can i sh -
滑封树:      : you should see a doctor 你应该去看医生 为建议的语气,不能用how来提问,how,怎样,如何的意思.可以用why Why don't you go to see the doctor

项相魏15021106917:    You+++should+++see+++the+++doctdr是甚么意思
滑封树:      : 你应该去看医生 ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

项相魏15021106917:    you should see the doctor.的疑问句和否定句 -
滑封树:      : 你好! 一般疑问句:shall we see a doctor? 希望能够帮到你!

项相魏15021106917:    if you should see James,ask him to phone me.这里为什么填should?为什么是虚拟语气啊不是条件状语从句呢 -
滑封树:      : should在用条件状语从句中,表示对将来的虚拟 但是在现代英语,虚拟语气,有被陈述语气代替的趋势 你这句话,最正规的说法应该是: if you should see James,you could ask him to phone me. 这才是正规的虚拟 现在语言变得简单了

项相魏15021106917:    求英语高手解释这段话You should see the looks I get riding around in this baby. -
滑封树:      : 这句话的意思应该是:“你(们)该看看当我在开着这个宝贝兜风的时候人们(看到我时显露出来的)给我的表情” 发话人可能是在炫耀他、她的名贵汽车、名驹之类的东西,告诉听者当他(她)骑着它的时候,人们是如何的惊叹、羡慕而给他的那种神情."baby" 是对他的宠爱之物的昵称."see the looks" 意思 是 “看看他们的表情”.希望帮到你.

项相魏15021106917:    if you are ill,you should see a doctor主句是什么 -
滑封树:      : 这句子是[第一条件语]: 表示某事会可能在现在或将来发生. 格式: If + [一般现在时] , will / [情态动词] + [动词]原形. 这句子用 should, 意思是: 应该去看医生.

项相魏15021106917:    You should see the front of me! 这句话的中文意思是什么? -
滑封树:      : 你应该看到前面!

项相魏15021106917:    Ask Tom to ring me up if you should see him. 前面是虚拟语气还是祈使句? -
滑封树:      : 前面Ask Tom to ring me up是祈使句,后面if you should see him是虚拟语气,表示你见到他的可能性比较小.后面也可以是if you saw him或if you were to see him.也可以不用虚拟语气if you see him

项相魏15021106917:    If you are ill,you would see the doctor(找出其中一处错并改正) -
滑封树:      : If you are ill,you should see the doctor.If you are ill, you _______ see the doctor.A. would B. could C. should 答案是C 如果你病了 你应该去看医生~

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