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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-16

答:May your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity with many returns of the day.愿你的生日是对生命的歌颂,祝健康快乐,事业蒸蒸日上。I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday. May gladness fill your every hour with ...

答:请出示你的护照好吗?双语例句:1、Would you please show me your passport and papers?请让我看看您的护照和证件好吗?2、Would you please show me your passport, sir?先生,请把您的护照给我看看。3、Waiter: Would you sign your name and room number on the bill, please? And couldyou...

如何设置redis 的权限密码
答:requirepass yourpassword yourpassword就是redis验证密码,设置密码以后发现可以登陆,但是无法执行命令了。命令如下:redis-cli -h yourIp -p yourPort//启动redis客户端,并连接服务器 keys * //输出服务器中的所有key 报错如下 (error) ERR operation not permitted 这时候你可以用授权命令进行授权,就...

答:what is your opinion?参考: trlate.google 1. You know the disabled there is no one has to take the Star Ferry? 2. They think? 3. Star Ferry you think there is a need to improve disabled services? 4. What is now the most convenient trport the disabled? 5. where the ...

答:destination本意是目的地,终点,引申义为目标,名词,可以用做主语、表语等。如:1、用于指目的地,前面往往有表示到达含义的动词(如:reach、arrive at等)。如:As soon as you arrive at your destination, step out of the aircraft andreset your wristwatch.你一到达目的地,就走出飞机并重新...

答:619 The port is disconnected.OR The specified port is not connected. This error could indicate a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP for assistance. 619错误,ISP错误,联系ISP以寻求帮助。 621 Cannot open the phone book file. This error occurs on Windows NT 4.0 ...

大连旅游景点中英文介绍 大连的著名景点英文
答:The most exciting experience involve watching divers feeding the sharks and seeing the sharks grabbing food in front of your eyes.Recently penguins ..._¤Dalian PortOriginally Dalian came into existence because of its great natural harbor, and has gained much of its prosperity by taking advantage ...

win7 下安装MSC.MARC2010版,成功后却不能打开,总是出现下列文字_百度...
答:环境变量没有设,右击“计算机”——“属性”——打开高级设置——高级——环境变量——新建一个环境变量 名:msc_license_file ,值:1700@计算机名

答:619 The port is disconnected.OR The specified port is not connected. This error could indicate a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP for assistance. 619错误,ISP错误,联系ISP以寻求帮助。 621 Cannot open the phone book file. This error occurs on Windows NT 4.0 ...

答:门钥匙 Portkeys 吼叫信 Howler 猫头鹰邮递 Owler 加隆Galleons 西可Sickels 速记笔 Quick-Quotes Quill...Charm Your Own Cheese 《给你的奶酪施上魔法》 Enchantment in Baking 《烤面包的魔法》 One Minute

彭承穆13573405355:    英语翻译4.\x05According to your requirement,the invoice that comes with the merchandise to your port in Costa Rica shows a price of $5 per unit,but the correct ... -
雍狮使:      :[答案] 根据你方要求,连同货物一起到达你方港口哥斯达黎加港的发票显示单价5美金.但实际正确的价格应该是形式发票14.5美金 货物的货款将会根据形式发票上显示的金额打款According to your requirement当状语the invoice th...

彭承穆13573405355:    安装WampServer5无法启动Apache,测试80端口Your port 80 actually used by:Server:Microsoft - IISA/7.5 -
雍狮使:      : 可能情况一:安装Apache2的路径中不能含有中文. 可能情况二:重启Apache就会弹出出错提示框,提示"The requested operation has failed!" 然后打开服务,启动Apache2,就提示我:"Windows不能在本地计算机启动Apache2.......并参考...

彭承穆13573405355:    wamp启动不了,Your port 80 is actually used by : Server: Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) PHP/5.3.3咋办 -
雍狮使:      : 是说你的80端口被占用 把该关的都关了 尤其是iis 迅雷也会占用80端口 或者就改端口 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59d74dc50100pguf.html 一般改成8080就好了

彭承穆13573405355:    your port 80 is not actually used是怎么回事 -
雍狮使:      : your port 80 is not actually used 您的端口80实际上不使用

彭承穆13573405355:    有哪些好用的翻译软件? -
雍狮使:      : Trados:翻译辅助工具(CAT)领域的老大,部分原因是因为她强大的功能,但成为老大最重要的原因是因为它起步早.当别的CAT工具如雨后春笋般的出现时,甚至大有青出于蓝而胜于蓝之势,然而Trados 早已占领了最大的市场份额,无人...

彭承穆13573405355:    8086的端口地址(DX)小于 - 可用直接寻址 - 上学吧普法考试
雍狮使:      : 有的. Port of Lading,装运港. (1) 应严格按信用证规定填写,装运港之前或之后有行政区的,如Xingang/Tianjin,应照加. (2) 一些国外开来的信用证笼统规定装运港名称,仅规定为“中国港口”(Chinese ports, Shipment from China to…),...

彭承穆13573405355:    如何配置PHPadmin -
雍狮使:      : phpadmin就是一个产品,用于管理mysql数据库的,毕竟很多数据库服务器不能够公开连接,所以只能够使用http的方式来进行连接管理.下载phpadmin( http://xj-http.skycn.net:8181/down/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-rc2.zip)解压到apache能够访问的一...

彭承穆13573405355:    我的小红伞为什么没有办法更新呢? -
雍狮使:      : 小红伞升级自从微点收费之后,转用小红伞,发现此杀软确实很好用,奈何升级速度简直就是龟速,2M的带宽能有个10K/b就不错了,但是能否升级成功就看天意了,今年4月开始,我的小红伞升级就没成功过,郁闷.后来在搜索引擎中找到了...

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