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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-16



  1、Life is too short, can not be used vengeful build hate。


  2、 Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and littele,I am soulless and heartless?You think wrong!-I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart!


  3、I think the bird flies but the sea birds fly, is that no courage of the sea, years later I discovered, not the bird flies past, but not the other side of the sea, and had no waiting。


  4.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.


  5、.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.。

  那是一种内在的东西, 他们抵达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。

  6、1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.。


  7、.Miracles happen every day。


  8、. It made me look like a duck in water.。


  9、 I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.。


  10、Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.。



巴戴养答:1、真正的爱情,是在能爱的时候,懂得珍惜。 True love is mitment, only endless lies.Time is not to let people forget the pain, but let people get used to pain.19、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。I knoetimes the smallest things pany her to go to the ent o...

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巴戴养答:39.The soul cannot live without love. 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 40.Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。 41.Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than on e. 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。 42.Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. 爱比大衣...

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巴戴养答:经典英文爱情语录 1、You make my heart smile。 我的心因你而笑。 2、Love without end hath no end。 情绵绵,爱无边。 3、I am too happy to stand faint! 我要幸福的昏倒了! 4、Ill love you as long as I live。 爱你一辈子 5、The moonlight stands for my heart! 月亮代表我的心! 6、I...

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