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<<四签名>>故事梗概 英文

来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-01
  This is 7 July 1887. The beginning of the story, Sherlock Holmes is a 7% injection of cocaine solution. He is the students'misdeeds already had for some time. Watson was strongly against it.

  Meryl call on Sherlock Holmes for help. Her mother, she was a little girl's death, her father was an officer in the British army in India. She has for many years, it has not seen his father for many years before she was sent to a boarding school.

  About ten years ago, her father had a day off to return to the UK. On 3 December 1878, she received a telegram from his father, says he has come to a hotel in London, she used to. But when she arrived on the day that is, incompetentas, joinedher and his daughter and would like to, but was told that her father in her the day before the arrival of spiritslive, and never to return.

  Spindelfabrik suessen kuyto retiredmajor was her father, a retired with a regiment of the comrades'relation. The whereabouts of her father, spindelfabrik kuyto residence in London. The two of them met in Amman, Pulau garrison troops on. On April 28, 1882, morstone Captain missing four years later, the death of tomorite retiredmajor spindelfabrik suessen.

  Spindelfabrik kuyto died from six years ago in may 1882 the Meryl since at the same date receive a costly pearls.

  July 7, 1887, in her the day of the visit of Sherlock Holmes, she received a letter to her to an Ant which the chlorophyll and 饧 Han 涿 screwed?

  Meryl in her father's things found a piece of paper with four signed 藏宝图.

  They are going to be used quickly set out from horse-drawn carriage, to meet with plug flute ostgota.

  Plug in the Cartesian ostgota living in a luxury apartment, he told them that their father brought back from India a tlmo1000, abandonedwell, some of which should belong to the iirritable stankina captain. At the time, a iirritable stankina captain to London, I came to see his father to clarify this matter. In spindelfabrik kuyto retiredmajor before he was dying, he told his two sons, he had a meeting with Captain iirritable stankina because there were divergent views divided equally over the treasure, had a quarrel, Captain iirritable stankina, has a serious heart disease, in the process, due to the sudden onset of heart disease and death.

  Plug in the Cartesian ostgota and lobasso hanluo in his father's death, the aboutyour be searched thoroughly inside and out of their House, but did not find any clues.

  Finally, just one day before sobaso hanluo found in artifacts. Plug in the Cartesian ostgota want to Meryl part of her due to his father was committing an error. Sobaso hanluo reluctantly agreed.

  When Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Meryl and flute ostgota quard sobaso hanluo reached a place and found that he has been the murder of phaonia strain, the precious things have also been missing.

  Dōwa lattice snagged sobaso hanluo laboratory of wood from the high penetration of oil, Sherlock Holmes and utilization than sensitive sense of smell began the Chase. Penetration than the last band they arrived at that time a wharf on the River Thames, Sherlock Holmes heard he tracked the target has been less than 24 hours before the hired a motorboat.

  Holmes asked the captain of the Baker Street teams to Viking, led his men along Tai coeves Earth River, downstream search “ Dawn ” , motorboat. But they did not find anything.

  Sherlock Holmes to disguise himself as a sailor, began to appear in person. He finally found the missing boat maintenance is in progress, and is made aware of Mau Skye and · Smith, who will be leaving the shiprepairing idwt. He and Jones so he is going to a police motorboat in the shipyard to the other shore to Zarya left to chase.

  Dawn “ # ” to prepare to go to Brazil's esguevillas tudameda number.

  The steamer police caught “ Dawn ” Number. In the catching-up process, the Amman was blown up and the natives to Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson tube blowing out a virus in stylonychia, he was promptly controlled by Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson gunned falls in the river and drowned.

  WA 生搬 with treasure chests to see Meryl. But to open the box, to discover that it is empty. Because at this point, across the huge between them wealth “ formation ” obstacles have disappeared, Watson plucked up the courage to Merry Merry agreed to marry him.

  It turns out that bidance Mau found by the police catch up with the time, he had been dispersed into the costly for about 5 miles of the River Thames.

  Sherlock Holmes, and so on, Mau to speak his own story:

  He was the British army in India Army soldier, due to a number of other changes, and finally in “ The great rebellion ” Period came to the aqla of a castle. He and three Sikh soldiers killed a soil of the King's servants, and stole his treasure.

  Spindelfabrik suessen iirritable stankina pentetruzole and was in a prison officer. Pagumogonimus Mau and they both reach an agreement, if we can help, Mau men get away with it will tell them the location of the Tibetan treasure. But spindelfabrik kuyto deceived, Mau, iirritable stankina and others, he got his treasure and then immediately returned to the UK.

  Pagumogonimus's job is to help the prison doctor, so he has learned some medical knowledge. On one occasion, he found a man called dōwa because of the serious illness of the natives and dying, under his good care of the child to a lattice slowly back to health. In this way, they have become molimiao. Dōwa cells have a boat, Mao from the prison escape from it. Dōwa pagumogonimus Mau and cells used for several years before returning to London. As a result of spindelfabrik suessen kuyto retiredmajor defencing, hire someone closely, Mau until his death there is no opportunity to close.

  Four signature “ story ” is over, our great hero life goes on: Watson soon and Meryl happily married, Sherlock Holmes may break because there is no case also addicted to cocaine bottle ...

龙疫修答:LT 英 [el'ti:]美 [el'ti:]abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation)更多释义>> [网络短语]LT LINETYPE 线形管理器,线型,对话框式线型加载 LT PINK 淡粉色 Lt Light 灯光,淡色

龙疫修答:LT有多种含义,根据不同的语境,它可能代表“小于”(Less Than)、“长期”(Long Term)、“领先时间”(Lead Time)、“轻触开关”(Light Touch Switch)等。首先,LT在数学和计算机科学中常常用来表示“小于”(Less Than)。例如,在编写程...

龙疫修答:LT,全拼为"Literature Technology",即现代文学技术。但在很多时候,LT也可以作为缩略词使用,例如在网络聊天和社交媒体等场合。在这些场合中,LT常常被用来代表"Long Time",即持续相当长时间。LT是什么意思?——在电子工业中重要的缩略词 除了网络聊天和社交媒体的场合,LT在电子...

龙疫修答:正确拼写:it it [英][ɪt][美][ɪt]pron.它; 他; 正好是所需的; 事实[情况];n.<美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋; <俚>绝妙的人; 理想的东西; 登峰造极;例:①What does it all mean?这一切意味着什么 ②It declined to comment further.该公司拒绝进一步置评。

龙疫修答:LT是淋巴毒素的意思,英文全写是lymphotoxin,简写为LT。淋巴毒素(lymphotoxin,LT),也称TNF-β,为肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor,TNF)中的一种。人LT基因全长3037bp,TNF-α基因全长3634bp,它们都是由3个内含子和4个外显子组成。LT的信号肽由34个氨基酸组成,成熟蛋白质含有171个氨基酸;...

13155478549lt 的句型用法和例句
龙疫修答:替代作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词,而把真正作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。It 作形式主语的常见句型:1. 代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为(1)It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth.(2)It be adj. of sb. to do sth.(3)It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型:It’s no good...

龙疫修答:lt复数形式是they或者是them。lt原意在英语中指代物的第三人称单数,(指提到过的或正在谈论的动物或事物)它;指婴儿;尤指性别不详者;指已知或正在发生的事实或情况。一、lt作人称代词的用法 1.指事物:作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物。如:I dropped my watch and it broke. 我...

龙疫修答:互联网技术定义:互联网技术指在计算机技术的基础上开发建立的一种信息技术,直译:internet Technology;简称:IT。有些人理解的互联网技术把前二层合二为一,统指信息的存储、处理和传输,后者则为信息的应用;也有人把后二层合二为一,则划分为前硬后软。通常第三层还没有得到足够的重视,但事实上...

龙疫修答:LT主要指的是信息技术行业,这个行业比较广泛,涵盖的岗位也比较多。每个工作都有自己不同的工作职能。IT责任要求 1.负责网站数据库的规划和建设。2.负责网站数据库的管理:日常维护、备份、恢复、性能优化和故障排除。3.负责数据库表结构设计的建议和SQL的审核。4.负责网站运营中各种数据的综合查询和分析...

龙疫修答:lt(LT)是缩写:立陶宛(Lithuania )的缩写; 书信电报(letter telegram)的缩写; LT是美军的陆军中尉和海军上尉(Lieutenant)的缩写,简称LT; 淋巴毒素(lymphotoxin)的缩写

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