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英语翻译下,很急。 曼德拉走了,但其精神不朽. 曼德拉走后,南非举国悲痛,世界同声哀悼.热爱曼

来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-16


翻译成英文是:The last Mandela

Mandela served 27 years in a South African prison, but at his 1994 presidentialinauguration, he paid tribute to three of his jailers who had treated him with dignityand respect.


Mandela has drawn, but its spiritual immortality. Mandela away, after South Africa the grief of the whole nation and the world simultaneous mourning. Mandela lover, regardless of their race, regardless of class, also regardless of national boundaries. - nelson mandela is a great monument stands in front of the world. He led the people of South Africa, through non-violent means, the end of the world's darkest segregation, let down the path of racial reconciliation in South Africa, has set an example to the region and the national conflict resolution, is a strong. - quit politics after mandela devote charity, in more than 10 years, the nelson mandela foundation to help set up hundreds of "mandela school", to the aided difficult to gauge the number of AIDS patients, grace beings. Great love without borders, the elephant invisible, sound thin sound, this is Mr. Mandela. I will answer


Mandela has passed away, but his spirit is immortal.
After Mandela has passed away, South Africa was grief-stricken. The world mourns simultaneously; people that love Mandela, regardless of race, (social) class, and national boundaries.
——Mandela is a mighty monument that is lifted in the eyes of the world. He led South African people, through non-violent ways, ended the world's darkest Apartheid. He made South Africa walk toward the path of racial reconciliation. Also, he solved conflicts for war zones and the country, setting good examples, making great contributions.
——After he quitted politics, Mandela was dedicated to charities. In 10 years, "Mandela Foundation" help built hundreds of "Mandela School" . He came to the rescue of numerous AIDS patients; one may even say that he had done great favor.
Loving without boundaries, having a great form beyond shape, and a genuine voice that is hardly audible; this is Mandela.

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