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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-16

  英语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏。我在此献上日常的 英语口语 ,希望对你有所帮助。
  1.Why do you want to work here?
  2.The position is both challenging and interesting.
  3.It can make use of my professional experience.
  4.I feel my background is a good fit for this position.
  5.I feel I can benefit much from working here.
  6.I think I could handle the work of a receptionist.
  7.This job will offer me an opportunity for advancement.
  8.Your company has earned a very good reputation.
  9.I think it is a good chance for me.
  10.My past experience is related to this job.
  我过去的 经验 与这个工作有关系。
  11.Working for you is the sort of challenge I am looking for.
  12.The job seems like an ideal match for my experience.
  13.This is the company that I want to contribute to.
  1.Why did you quit your present job?
  2.I’m leaving the present job because of expiry of my employment contract.
  3.The job I am doing is of no challenge, but I thrive with challenge.
  4.The salary of my present job is too low.
  5.I want to settle down and make a long-term contribution.
  6.The work is out of my field.
  7.The present firm is too small tor my development.
  8.I think the salary is not equal to my work ability.
  9.I see no chance of advancement.
  英语口语:询问 面试 结果
  1.Does the manager consider me acceptable?
  2.Have you made any decision concerning the position?
  3.I am calling to ask about your consideration of my qualifications.
  4.Is it possible for me to know about the outcome?
  5.I am anxious to know when the decision will be made.
  6.I’m just calling to inquire the status of the personnel manager position.
  7.You mentioned that you would tell me the outcome of our meeting by Friday.
  8.I wonder if you are satisfied with my showing in the interview.
  9.I am anxious to know the outcome of the interview.
  10.When will you give me notice?
  11.I hope I can get a positive reply.

(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
Dialogue 1
I: Tell me about yourself.
A: I was born and raised in Beijing. I attended Peking University and received my bachelor抯 degree in Economics. I have worked for 2 years as a financial consultant in Beijing for China Pacific Insurance Co. Ltd. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and learning foreign languages.
I: What type of position are you looking for?
A: I抦 looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience.
I: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
A: I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-time position.
I: Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
A: I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.
I: What is your greatest strength?
A: I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.
I: What is your greatest weakness?
A: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I began setting time-limits for myself.
I: Why do you want to work for our company?
A: After following your firm抯 progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that your company is becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be a part of that team.
I: When can you begin?
A: Immediately.
I: 说说你的情况吧。
A: 我出生于北京,并在那里长大。我考入北京大学,获得了经济学学士学位。 我在中国太平洋保险股份有限公司做了两年的金融顾问。我喜欢在空闲时间打网球和学外语。
I: 你想找份什么样的工作?
A: 我想找个能充分发挥我工作经验的工作。
I: 你想做全职还是兼职?
A: 我倾向于做全职,不过,我也会考虑兼职的。
I: 你能说说你前一份工作的主要职责吗?
A: 我为顾客的金融事务提供咨询。当我和顾客商讨之后,我就填完一份顾客咨询表,并把有关信息按目录输入数据库。然后我和同事一起为顾客精心准备尽可能最好的一揽子计划, 顾客会收到一份我根据他们的金融行为按季度作出的简报。
I: 你最大的优点是什么?
A: 我非常善于和人沟通,人们信任我,来我这里征求建议。有一天下午,我的同事碰到了一个棘手的顾客,他感觉服务不周到。我给顾客冲了一杯咖啡,并请我的同事和顾客到我办公室,在那里我们把问题解决了。
I: 你最大的缺点是什么?
A: 我为了确保顾客满意,经常要花费很多时间。不过,我开始为自己定了时间限制。
I: 你为什么要来我们公司工作?
A: 我关注贵公司的发展已经三年了,我相信贵公司必将成为市场的主导者之一,我非常希望成为其中一员。
I: 你何时能开始工作?
A: 马上就可以。

进入社会之后,能体现你英语水平直观的不是各种考试的分数,而是你的真实口语水平,西安汉普森英语常用口语对话频道主要通过各种生活中常用的的英语口语对话,让你轻松掌握英语口语,今天西安汉普森英语为大家整理关于找工作的英语对话。 01 Classic Sentences经典句子 01.I lost my job yesterday. 我昨天失业了。 02.Where do you work now? 你现在在哪工作? 03.I'm out of work. 我现在失业了。 04.I had an interview this morning,but they turned me down. 今早我去面试了,但是碰了钉子。 05.Are you looking for a job? 你现在在找工作吗? 06.What are you planning to do next? 接下来你打算怎么办? 07.I'll try some foreign trade companies. 我想试试一些外贸公司。 08.You're applying for the position of manager, aren't you? 你申请的是经理职位吗? 09.Can you tell me something about the position? 能给我讲讲这个职位的事情吗? 10.Although this job is very hard,somewhat challenging. 尽管这个工作非常辛苦,但是很有挑战性。 11.Did you believe that they said I was overqualified? 你相信吗?他们说我条件太好了。 12.I have waited for a week but still have no response. 我已经等了一周了,但仍然没有回复。 13.What kind of people do you need? 你们需要什么样的人? 14.Do you have a good command of Enlish? 你的英文好吗? 15.Anyhow, I want to apply for a job which is related to my major. 不管怎样,我想申请一个和自己专业有关的职业。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 How to find a Job Sally: The graduation is coming. I have to find a job, but I really don't know how to start. What is your suggestion? Mike: Do you have the feeling that there are lots of jobs out here but it seems you cannot find one? Sally: How do you know? Mike: I felt the same when I hunted for a job before. The first thing you should do is to know what you're good at and put it into words 1. Sally: What do you mean? Mike: Actually, many of us are not naturally proficient at talking or writing about ourselves, so you have to brush up on the techniques. But do look objectively at yourself. Sally: And after knowing myself, I may decide which job suits me. Mike: Right! Once you've worked out why you're a good match for a job, it will be eaiser to make convincing applications. Sally: Then what should I do? Mike: Target the right employers, and reduce the chance of repeated rejection. Sally: I hate being rejected. It will make me unconfident. Mike: With any hunt there's always the possibility of disappointment, but don't let that turn into defeat. From every pursuit that doesn't bring the result you want, there's something to be learned. Sally: Thank you very much. You've been very helpful. 如何找工作 萨利:就要毕业了。我得找份工作,但我确实不知道从何下手。你有什么建议吗? 迈克:你是不是觉得很多工作摆在那里,可你却好像找不到任何一个工作。 萨利:你怎么知道的? 迈尔:我以前找工作时也有同感。你首先要做的是了解自己擅长什么,并用语言表达出来。 萨利:什么意思? 迈克:实际上,许多人不擅长谈论或者描述自己,所以你需要练习这种技能。但一定要客观地看待自己。 萨利:了解自己之后,我就可以确定什么工作适合我了。 迈克:对!一旦你清楚自己适合什么工作。写出有说服力的求职申请就容易得多了。 萨利:那接下来要做什么呢? 迈克:找对雇主,减少被人拒绝的几率。 萨利:我讨厌被人拒绝。那会使我不自信。 迈克:找工作总有令人失望的可能,但不要因此而气馁。每一次无果的求职经历都有值得学习的东西。 萨利:太感谢你了。你真是帮了我大忙。 以上就是西安汉普森英语为大家整理关于找工作的英语对话。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法门,建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加西安汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。

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17876073152英语翻译 你在做什么 回答 我正在找工作
连东沸答:I'm looking for a job right now.I'm job hunting right now.你要强调的话,把right now读重点就ok, 或者提到句首 Right now, I'm looking for a job.Right now, I'm job hunting.

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