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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

屈原介绍 英文版
答:Qu Yuan (about 340 BC - 278 BC), a poet and politician of the Chu State during the Warring States Period. Born in Danyang, the country of Chu (now Yichang, Hubei).屈原(约公元前340—公元前278年),中国战国时期楚国诗人、政治家。出生于楚国丹阳秭归(今湖北宜昌)。The ...

答:孔子的简介英文版:Confucius, the surname of Zi, the surname of Kong, the name of Qiu, the name of Zhongni, was born in Zuoyi, the late spring and Autumn Period in Lu state, and the ancestral home of Liyi, the state of song.He was an ancient Chinese thinker, educator ...


答:Sima Qian (司马迁) The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima Qian took on the task of writing a plete...

答:Zhu Geliang, although the feeble, was able to map out a strategy, the sky. Not a thatched cottage, known to the world trend will division into three parts, fire Bowang, borrowing the east wind, capture Meng Huo, all without exception shows he 's extremely clever. So and ...

答:Liu Bang- Founder of The Han Dynasty By Kevin Mar, 20, 2005 1 Introduction Emperor Gaozu, also known under the name Liu Bang, was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 24 AD). He was born into a peasant family in Pei (present Pei County in Jiangsu Province),...

中国名人事迹 英语作文
答:袁隆平(1930年9月7日出生)是中国农业科学家和教育家,因在20世纪70年代开发出第一批杂交水稻品种而闻名。他的“杂交水稻”已经在非洲、美洲和亚洲的几十个国家种植,为高饥荒风险地区提供了强大的食物来源。袁先生于2000年获得中国国家杰出科学技术奖,农业狼奖 他目前是中国国家杂交水稻研发中心主任,并...

答:(259?中国西北地区 秦国~210BC,河北省)秦朝(221~207BC)的创建者。其父是秦国君王。尽管中原国家认为秦国过于野蛮,但秦国仍然在法家(参阅韩非子〔Hanfeizi〕)思想的指导下,发展出强大的官僚 *** 。赵政在李斯的协助下,于公元前221年之前,消灭了其它国家,取得最高的统治权。他自称为「始皇帝」...

急!急!急!求历史上女名人介绍 英文的
答:李清照是中国文学史上一位伟大的女词人。 李清照(号易安居士)与辛弃疾(字幼安)并称为“济南二安” 。李清照为婉约派之宗,她提出词“别是一家”,在艺术上她创造了一种独特的风格,人称为“易安体”,甚至连大词人辛弃疾也在《稼轩词》中自称“效李易安体”,可见她的影响之深广了。Li ...

答:Qu Yuan Qu Yuan, born in the Xiling Gorge area of what is today western Hubei province, was a minister in the government of the state of Chu, descended from nobility and a champion of political loyalty and truth eager to maintain the Chu state's power. Qu Yuan advocated a ...

慕莺泡13347447952:    用英语介绍一位中国名人不用太长了…40字左右就好了…小学六年级的水平…急需急需… -
郎狄莎:      :[答案] Do you know yaoming?The famous basketball star?let me tell you!YaoMing was born on December 12,1980 in China.He is ... Team.he is the most valuable player in NBA.Many chinese are proud of him! 我们初一的英语作文~关于姚明的~

慕莺泡13347447952:    用英语描述中国历史上的一个伟人 80词以上.必有重谢~@ -
郎狄莎:      :[答案] This evening, the Beijing Olympic Games will be opened, we look forward to the common will of this historic moment has ... I take this opportunity to the international community to fight against China's Wen Chuante earthquake provided invaluable ...

慕莺泡13347447952:    求帮写一篇英语讲稿,介绍一位中国的历史人物,要求三分钟左右最好是介绍刘邦吧,不行的其他也行,麻烦多点朋友来帮帮忙 -
郎狄莎:      :[答案] Liu Bang- Founder of The Han DynastyBy KevinMar,20,20051 IntroductionEmperor Gaozu,also known under the name Liu Bang,was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 24 AD).He was born into a peasa...

慕莺泡13347447952:    用六句以上的英文句子,介绍一位中国名人, -
郎狄莎:      : I have a friend named YangYang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like ...

慕莺泡13347447952:    用英文描述一位历史伟人不用太长 一个小短文即可 最好是著名的历史伟人 我周一就需要 -
郎狄莎:      :[答案] Qin Shi Huang (Chinese:秦始皇; pinyin:Qín Shǐhuáng; Wade-Giles:Ch'in Shih-huang) (259 BCE – 210 BCE),personal ... 210 BCE at the age of 50. Qin Shi Huangdi remains a controversial figure in Chinese history.After unifying China,he and his ...

慕莺泡13347447952:    急!!! 用英语描述中国历史上的一个伟人 急! -
郎狄莎:      : This evening, the Beijing Olympic Games will be opened, we look forward to the common will of this historic moment has arrived. I, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, ladies and gentlemen here Beijing Olympic Games, he expressed ...

慕莺泡13347447952:    用英文描述一位历史伟人
郎狄莎:      : Qin Shi Huang (Chinese: 秦始皇; pinyin: Qín Shǐhuáng; Wade-Giles: Ch'in Shih-huang) (259 BCE – 210 BCE),personal name Ying Zheng (Chinese: 嬴政; pinyin: Yíng Zhèng), was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BCE to 221 ...

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