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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-16

答:Sima Qian (司马迁) The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima Qian took on the task of writing a plete...

答:In 200, Yuan Shao amassed more than 100,000 troops and marched southwards on Xuchang in the name of rescuing the emperor. Cao Cao gathered 20,000 men in Guandu, a strategic point on the shore of the Yellow River. The two armies come to a standstill as neither side was able...

答:董仲舒,是西汉一位与时俱进的思想家,西汉时期著名的唯心主义哲学家和今文经学大师。出生年代(前179~前104)中国汉代思想家,政治家。景帝时任博士,讲授《公羊春秋》。汉武帝元光元年(前134),董仲舒在著名的《 举贤良对策》中,提出他的哲学体系的基本要点,并建议“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,为汉武...

答:孔子(前551年9月28日-前479年4月11日),子姓, 孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,鲁国陬邑(今中国山东省曲阜市南辛镇)人,中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家,儒家的创始人。孔子集华夏上古文化之大成,在世时已被誉为“天纵之圣”、“天之木铎”,是当时社会上最博学者之一,并且被后世统治者尊为孔圣人、...

答:its development has deep influence. In Taoism in Lao tze revered tao fathers.老子,我国古代伟大的哲学家和思想家、道家学派创始人,世界文化名人,世界百位历史名人之一,存世有《道德经》,其作品的精华是朴素的辨证法,主张无为而治,其学说对中国哲学发展具有深刻影响。在道教中老子被尊为道祖。

答:Mao Zedong -- A Great Man in Chinese History 一代伟人毛泽东 Mao Zedong, also well known as Chairman Mao, is a great man in human history. His dramatic personal life, his military talent, his artist poems, his political skill, his famous third world classification theory and ...


答:。Jackie Chan 成龙 Jackie chan, April 7, 1954 was born in Hong Kong vivtoria and native shandong, the greater China area film star and international kung fu movie superstar, in Chinese world very prestigious and influence. He and Stephen chow chow, saying "double Monday into...

答:Mao Zedong -- A Great Man in Chinese History 一代伟人毛泽东 Mao Zedong, also well known as Chairman Mao, is a great man in human history. His dramatic personal life, his military talent, his artist poems, his political skill, his famous third world classification theory and his...

答:the apartment, aged 75, dead because atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease.张爱玲,中国现代作家,本名张瑛,出生在上海公共租界西区的麦根路313号的一幢建于清末的仿西式豪宅中。张爱玲的家世显赫,祖父张佩纶是清末名臣,祖母李菊耦是朝廷重臣李鸿章的长女。张爱玲一生创作大量文学作品。类型包括小说、散文...

干季俩18416643426:    用英语介绍一位中国名人不用太长了…40字左右就好了…小学六年级的水平…急需急需… -
娄养航:      :[答案] Do you know yaoming?The famous basketball star?let me tell you!YaoMing was born on December 12,1980 in China.He is 2.26m tall.when he was 18 years old,he became a member of China Bsketball Star Team.In 2000,he joined the National ...

干季俩18416643426:    中国名人简介英文版 -
娄养航:      :[答案] Born February 16,1941,though official accounts place birth a year later.Some mystery surrounds when and where Kim Jong Il was born.Official North Korean biographies state that his birth occurred on Fe...

干季俩18416643426:    用英语描述中国历史上的一个伟人 80词以上.必有重谢~@ -
娄养航:      :[答案] This evening, the Beijing Olympic Games will be opened, we look forward to the common will of this historic moment has ... I take this opportunity to the international community to fight against China's Wen Chuante earthquake provided invaluable ...

干季俩18416643426:    用六句以上的英文句子,介绍一位中国名人, -
娄养航:      : I have a friend named YangYang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like ...

干季俩18416643426:    用英语介绍一个成功的中国人.100单词左右.只需要简介.不需要什么成功之处. -
娄养航:      :[答案] Jin Yong (Chinese:金庸; pinyin:Jīn Yōng; Cantonese Yale:Gàm Yùhng),born February 6,1924,pen name of Louis Cha (... pinyin:Zhā Liángyōng),OBE,is one of the most influential modern Chinese-language novelists.Co-founder of the Hong Kong ...

干季俩18416643426:    用英语介绍一位中国古代人物.不要太复杂太多,初中英语水平的.不要是孔子或者秦始皇的...教材上有了 -
娄养航:      :[答案] Lao tze,our country ancient great philosophers and thinkers,Taoist school founder,world culture celebrities,the world 100 ... 世界文化名人,世界百位历史名人之一,存世有《道德经》,其作品的精华是朴素的辨证法,主张无为而治,其学说对中国哲学...

干季俩18416643426:    求:用英语描述描一个中国著名个人物或你欣赏的个人物 -
娄养航:      : Deng Yaping was born on 2nd of June,1973. She started to play table tennis in 1978. In 1983,she joined the Henan table tennis team. And she joined the national table tennis team in 1988. In 1997,she went to Tsinghua University. She majored in ...

干季俩18416643426:    用英语介绍一位中国古代人物.不要太复杂太多,初中英语水平的. -
娄养航:      :[答案] Confucius (BC), BC, 479-551 ZhongNi name mound, word of spring and autumn and the end Zou towns (now shandong 481... 相传有弟子三千,贤弟子七十二人,孔子曾带领弟子周游列国14年.孔子还是一位古文献整理家,曾修《诗》、《书》,定《...

干季俩18416643426:    急!!! 用英语描述中国历史上的一个伟人 急! -
娄养航:      : This evening, the Beijing Olympic Games will be opened, we look forward to the common will of this historic moment has arrived. I, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, ladies and gentlemen here Beijing Olympic Games, he expressed ...

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