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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-01

答:Apparently, people only call her Joanne when they're angry with her. The K is made up. Her publisher asked her to write using a name with two initials, but she didn't have a middle name.J.K.罗琳是她作为作家的笔名。“J”是乔安妮的缩写,她真名中的第一个名字,但她更愿被...

答:Born February 16, 1941, though official accounts place birth a year later. Some mystery surrounds when and where Kim Jong Il was born. Official North Korean biographies state that his birth occurred on February 16, 1942, in a secret camp on Mount Paekdu along the Chinese border,...

答:我们英文老师让我们每节课前做一个演讲,我想介绍一下纳达尔,能不能大家帮我写一下关于纳达尔的英文简介100~200词的最好有他从"红土野兽"到"红土之王"的蜕变还有获得的奖项跪谢请在3月... 我们英文老师让我们每节课前做一个演讲,我想介绍一下纳达尔,能不能大家帮我写一下关于纳达尔的英文简介 100~200词的 ...

答:1895年,她嫁给了皮埃尔居里,然后他们的研究工作,共同把放射性物质。他们发现两种---放射性物质钋和镭。在1904年,她和她的丈夫获得诺贝尔物理学奖。皮埃尔在1906年去世,但玛丽在工作了。她获得了化学在1911年第二次获得诺贝尔奖。因此,她成为世界上第一个科学家获得两个诺贝尔奖 Madam Curie is a ...

用英语介绍一位历史名人 附翻译

答:终有一老着,慕名前来,免费收徒授课,学成后,辅佐刘邦,成就了一番霸业。Eventually, as an old man, Muming came to teach free apprenticeship. After learning, he assisted Liu Bang and achieved some hegemonic career.3、《陆羽弃佛从文》唐朝著名学者陆羽,从小是个孤儿,被智积禅师抚养长大...

答:写作思路:题目要求介绍一个中国名人,介绍袁隆平,“水稻之父”,写出人物特点。正文:Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930.袁隆平1930年生于北京。His ancestral home is in Dean County, Jiujiang , Jiangxi Province.他的祖籍在江西九江德安县。During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the ...

答:Finally, a male, ZT, his most special than his voice and his fluent conversation. Yes, he is always standing in an enviable position, with generous typhoons, deep voice major in school activities. I remember him deeply to our class last year, English speaking, we are also very...

答:In 200, Yuan Shao amassed more than 100,000 troops and marched southwards on Xuchang in the name of rescuing the emperor. Cao Cao gathered 20,000 men in Guandu, a strategic point on the shore of the Yellow River. The two armies come to a standstill as neither side was able...

答:this is 加某人名字,不管是不是名人都一样的。

闻育享15040816099:    急求一份关于希拉里简介的英文PPT -
滕莉万:      : Hillary was raised in a middle-class family in the middle of America. From that classic suburban childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, Hillary went on to become one of America's foremost advocates for children and families; an attorney twice voted one of...

闻育享15040816099:    有没有霍金的英文介绍?我要做一个关于他的PPT在课上(大学课程)讲,最好有图片、音影,要全面的介绍. -
滕莉万:      : Stephen William Hawking CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942) is a British theoretical physicist. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge (due to retire from this post in 2009),[1] and a Fellow of ...

闻育享15040816099:    谁可以提供一篇吴尊的详细英文介绍,我需要做一份英文PPT演讲稿,大约十分钟左右的.急急急! -
滕莉万:      : Name: Chun Wu Regular Name: Wu Ji Chun Country: Brunie Gender: Male Birthday: october10/1980 Weight: 69 Kg Height: 182 cm Hobby: Basketball, Reading, Gym, Cook, Eat, Travel around.Favrite Country: New York Job: Model, Singer and ...

闻育享15040816099:    介绍名人英文ppt -
滕莉万:      : 文库里这个参考一下,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e5346748767f5acfa1c7cd2c.html 其实挺容易做的,英文wiki上查你想介绍的名人,百度图片里搜几张照片,往一块一合成就OK了.

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滕莉万:      : PPT在这里传不上,如果需要我有一篇介绍美国罗伯特.李将军的,有英文稿

闻育享15040816099:    用英语介绍 一位伟人 不用太多字 比如介绍亚历山大 或者苏格拉底
滕莉万:      : Socrates life with lofty ideals, he is our example! Facing death, he had no fear! This spirit is worth learning! 这是回答!希望采纳! 谢谢!!

闻育享15040816099:    跪求杨贵妃的英文介绍,不要太难的,够做PPT的就行,最好配图的! -
滕莉万:      : Biography 杨玉环and antiquata, Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan and known as the four ancient Chinese beauties. Idioms with "沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花...

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