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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-09

答:If you are patient in one moment of anger,you will escape a hundred days of sorrow、很高兴为你解答本题,没问题的话,请及时点击右上角的采纳满意哈~

答:The last straw, it need not endure!

谁知道 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空的英文版怎么说??
答:Endures for a while uneventfully, draws back a step of boundlessness

答:Someday,you may find that you can stand up with something others can't,and that shows you have grown up.

答:这次我会救你的,再忍一忍。 主教: Don't move or I'll... 不要动,不然我就。 Nero用Yamato吸引主教,然后杀死了他,救出Kyrie Nero: Sorry I took so long. 抱歉用了这么长时间。 Dante:Ha, it's over. Nero抱着Kyrie出现 Dante: Took your time. 你有的是时间 Nero: What, you're looking for ...

答:Either tolerate or malicious

忍无可忍的英语翻译 忍无可忍用英语怎么说
答:忍无可忍_有道词典 忍无可忍 beyond endurance;cannot bear for any time;One's patience has gone out更多释义>> [网络短语]忍无可忍 Intolerance;Tolerate;intolerance 忍无可忍的 beyond sb's patience 忍无可忍项目 Enough Project 详细用法>> ...

我已经忍你很久了 怎么翻译谢谢
答:I have been bearing you for a long time, but this time, I won't bear you anymore. I will let you know who the boss is.我忍你很久了, 但这次我不会再忍你了, 我要叫你知道谁才是老大!

答:You feel wronged? I also feel wronged! Feel wronged you have to tolerate, if you want to continue to survive we must learn to tolerate!

答:再痛我也会忍!=> no matter hurt it is, i will endure it.no matter hurt it is, i will stand it go through it.

苗薇哑13242572788:    英文忍忍怎么说 -
郁便军:      : Hold your horses.就是忍忍、沉住气的意思.

苗薇哑13242572788:    忍的英文怎么写 -
郁便军:      : 忍 [rěn] [动] endure; bear; be hardhearted enough to; have the heart to; [名] tolerate; a surname(姓氏); [例句]我就是忍不住要尖叫!I just can't help screaming!

苗薇哑13242572788:    '忍一忍,再过几天就可以回去了'的英文写 -
郁便军:      : Be patient for a while, and you (we) will be back in a few days.

苗薇哑13242572788:    帮我用英文翻译两句话:1、逆风的方向,更适合飞翔.2、忍不住的时候,再忍一下.
郁便军:      : 你好,可翻译为:It is more suitable to fly when it is against the wind.Just bear it one more time when you can`t bear.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

苗薇哑13242572788:    忍无可忍,就重新再忍.翻译英文. -
郁便军:      : 忍无可忍,就重新再忍 The last straw, again

苗薇哑13242572788:    忍或残忍英文怎么说 -
郁便军:      : 忍1.bear2.endure[in'djuə] 读作'英丢耳'3.tolerate4.put up with5.hold back 例句:1.他一声不吭地忍住了疼痛.He bore the pain without a word of complaint.残忍1.cruel ['kru:əl]读作:客入耳2.brutal3.ruthless4.brutality5.merciless 例句:1.殴打比自己弱的人是一种残忍的表现.To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty.

苗薇哑13242572788:    忍耐某事用英语怎么说 -
郁便军:      : 1. 我忍不了something I could not bear with sth2. Something, 但是我忍不了了........, but I cannot stand it myself.3. 我忍无可忍了 I've run out of patience. 4. 我对something忍无可忍了 It was the last straw that something(希望对你有用)

苗薇哑13242572788:    "再撑一下”英文怎么说 ? -
郁便军:      : 还是come on 吧...........

苗薇哑13242572788:    忍无可忍,无须再忍英语怎么说 -
郁便军:      : The last straw, it need not endure!************************************************************** 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ***************************************************************

苗薇哑13242572788:    忍受用英语怎么说???这几个忍受有什么区别??? -
郁便军:      : stand,bear,endure,tolerate,suffer,abide,withstand 词义辨析:1、stand口语用词,常可与hear换用,但侧重指经受得起.2、bear强调容忍,是普通用语.3、endure书面用词,指长时间忍受痛苦和不幸,着重体力或意志力的坚强不屈服.4、...

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