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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

答:傲慢与偏见经典台词:1、It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。2、 One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight. But if we do...

答:[68:50.57]l have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectation... 我与自我判断 家庭期望 [68:53.40]the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance... 你低微的出身 我自己的身份相抗争 [68:55.61]all these things, and l'm willing to put them aside and ask you... ...

答:1、Some people even did not intend to do bad things, can in fact it can still do wrong, misery consequences. Every careless and don't see other people's well-intentioned, and the lack of a decisive person, all similar to harm them.有些人即使没有存心做坏事,可事实上事情仍...

答:Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London.伊丽莎白:我原以为你在伦敦。Mr. Darcy: No... No. I'm not.达西:不...不,我不在那。Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand times yes.简:是的,一千次说是的。Caroline Bingley: I can't help thinking that at some point someone is going...

傲慢与偏见经典语录英文 傲慢与偏见中英文对照语录
答:2、You must know .Surely you must know it was all for you.你必须知道,你一定要知道,这一切都是为了你所做的。3、pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. 骄傲多半涉及我们自己怎样看待自己,而虚荣则涉及我们想别人怎样看我们...

答:Lizzie:Very well.Only I wish you would not call me "my dear".Darcy:Why?我把最后一幕的台词都给你吧.Lizzie:It's what my father calls my mother when he's cross.Darcy:What endearments am I allowed?Lizzie:Well,let me think. Lizzie for every day.My pearl for sundays.And....

求《傲慢与偏见》经典语句或语段(尽量长一些)25句 要中英文都有
答:Misery can be caused by someone being just weak and indecisive.一个人仅仅因为软弱无能或优柔寡断就完全可能招致痛苦 并不是我们所有的人都会拥有浪漫。Not all of us can afford to be romantic.Bagger can't be a chooser.乞丐没有权利挑三拣四。For what do we live, but to make sport ...

答:《傲慢与偏见》经典语录英文有:1、But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.假如一个女人爱上了一个男人,只要女方不故意瞒住男方,男方一定会看得出的。2、My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.我对于某个人一旦没有了...

答:1、Not all of us can offord to be romantic.并不是我们所有的人都会拥有浪漫。2、Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.假装谦虚往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是拐弯抹角的自夸。3、Married life is happiness, completely is a chance to ...

答:《傲慢与偏见》经典台词(一)【1】要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。【2】骄傲多半不外乎我们对我们自己的估价,虚荣却牵涉到我们希望别人对我们的看法。【3】男女恋爱大都免不了要借重于双方的感恩图报之心和虚荣自负之感,听其自然是很难 成其好事的。【4】恋爱的开头都是随...

终狭弯18767392873:    《傲慢与偏见》中的经典英文对白 -
苍制珊:      : Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London.伊丽莎白:我原以为你在伦敦.Mr. Darcy: No... No. I'm not.达西:不...不,我不在那.Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand times yes.简:是的,一千次说是的.Caroline Bingley: I can't help thinking...

终狭弯18767392873:    《傲慢与偏见》中英文对照台词
苍制珊:      : http://ewteacher.blog.sohu.com/84006899.html 由于非常长,我找来个链接,是全的中英对照,希望帮助到你

终狭弯18767392873:    傲慢与偏见经典台词 -
苍制珊:      : 1.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理.2.Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable....

终狭弯18767392873:    《傲慢与偏见》的精彩对白(中文版) -
苍制珊:      : 没有信服就盲目顺从,是不尊重双方理智的表现——Darcy 我的爱和愿望没有改变,但只要你说一句话我就会永远沉默…… 伊丽莎白:“为什么你上次来我家的时候都不大和我说话?” 达西:“如果爱你爱的少点,话就会多一点了.” ......

终狭弯18767392873:    傲慢与偏见经典台词
苍制珊:      : He is not vicious, and as far as fortune goes, it's an eligible match. 他不是坏人 就财产而言 他也是适合的对象 是很适合 There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well. 我真心爱的人不多 看得起的人更少 The more I see ...

终狭弯18767392873:    帮忙翻《傲慢与偏见》台词的英文 “偏见让你无法接受我 傲慢让我无法爱你” -
苍制珊:      : Prejudice let you can't accept me, pride let me can't love you

终狭弯18767392873:    傲慢与偏见台词
苍制珊:      : Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings only to see you. I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation,the inferiority of your birth, my rank. I will ...

终狭弯18767392873:    跪求《傲慢与偏见》中的英文台词~ -
苍制珊:      : Film Subtitles of “Pride and Prejudice” 00:02:14,600 --> 00:02:16,556 Lydia! Kitty!00:02:51,560 --> 00:02:54,233 My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard?00:02:54,400 --> 00:02:58,916 Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has ...

终狭弯18767392873:    跪求《傲慢与偏见》中的英文台词~
苍制珊:      : Filmnbsp;Subtitlesnbsp;ofnbsp;“Pridenbsp;andnbsp;Prejudice”nbsp;00:02:14,600nbsp;--amp;gt;nbsp;00:02:16,556nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lydia!nbsp;Kitty!00:02:51,560nbsp;--amp;gt;nbsp;00:02:54,233nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mynbsp;dearnbsp;Mrnbsp;...

终狭弯18767392873:    傲慢与偏见的经典对白 -
苍制珊:      : 有跳舞里宾格莱和达西评论伊丽莎白那段,还有雨中表白,最后求爱的那一段,还有在凯瑟琳夫人家那段 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. You are the last man in the...

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