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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:唯漫星月 采纳率:25% 擅长: 动漫 历史话题 游戏 小说 英语翻译 为您推荐: 关于梦想的英语作文 有关名人英语作文 端午节英语作文 如果你是名人英语作文 采访名人的英语作文 环境保护英语作文 英语作文万能句子 我的大学生活英语作文 我的爱好英语作文 关于电影的英语作文 ...

用英语介绍一位历史名人 附翻译

答:I have a friend named Yangyang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a ...

答:Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.The story of how Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing ...

答:Born February 16, 1941, though official accounts place birth a year later. Some mystery surrounds when and where Kim Jong Il was born. Official North Korean biographies state that his birth occurred on February 16, 1942, in a secret camp on Mount Paekdu along the Chinese border,...

答:孔子(前551年9月28日-前479年4月11日),子姓, 孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,鲁国陬邑(今中国山东省曲阜市南辛镇)人,中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家,儒家的创始人。孔子集华夏上古文化之大成,在世时已被誉为“天纵之圣”、“天之木铎”,是当时社会上最博学者之一,并且被后世统治者尊为孔圣人、...

跪求一篇介绍我最崇拜的一个名人 为题的英语作文,要求带汉语。_百度...
答:After his great effort, e has finally succeeded. He has become one of the most famous football players, which makes me admire him so much.From a sinner to a hero, he suffers from so much pain. I need to learn from him.我最崇拜的一个人 在全世界中,大卫 贝克汉姆是我最崇拜...

用英语写一篇介绍鲁迅出生 出生地,国籍,职业,家庭背景 为社会作出贡 ...
答:cultural movement of the new culture movement supporters, is the founder of China proletarian literature, but also a banner Chinese modern literature.鲁迅出生于浙江绍兴的一个封建官僚家庭。起初想实业救国,但不济。1904年初,入仙台医科专门学医。后从事文学创作,希望以此改变国民被麻木的内心,...

英语作文《介绍一位名人》 初三水平就够··· 至少70个单词 介绍一位...
答:爱因斯坦的 Albert Einstein (March 14,1879 in Ulm,Württemberg,Germany – April 18,1955 in Princeton,New Jersey) was a theoretical physicist.He was the formulator of the special and general theories of relativity.In addition,he made significant contributions to quantum theory and ...

答:" 穿二手跑鞋参加奥运会的美丽女孩--达娜·侯赛因。他们在枪声中备战穿二手跑鞋冒弹雨训练“谁知道我能不能活到2012年。” ———伊拉克短跑选手达娜·侯赛因 短跑选手达娜·侯赛因是唯一代表伊拉克参加2008北京奥运会的女性运动员,她将参加100米和200米两个项目的比赛。她自己买比赛服,然后缝上国旗。

阮致泻15717515799:    一篇英文版的名人介绍(200字左右), -
隆咏和:      :[答案] 居里夫人的~ Madame Curie Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world.She was born in 1867.She first lived in Poland,then went to France.When she was very young she was interested in science.She worked very hard and ...

阮致泻15717515799:    用英语介绍一位名人,包括写出他的国籍,出生年月,头衔,主要成就等.内容不少于80词 -
隆咏和:      :[答案] Zhang Ziyi ,age 27,born on February 9,1979,in Beijing,China to Zhang Yuanxiao,an economist father,and Li Zhousheng,a kindergarten teacher mother,is one of China's most popular and successful entertainers and an ever-growing success on the ...

阮致泻15717515799:    急求一篇介绍名人的英语短文(60字左右) -
隆咏和:      :[答案] He is very tall. He is a player. He became the second Chinese basketball player in NBA. He is the best basketball player in ... 以创办工厂实验室、开辟使技术开发与科学研究紧密结合的途径而名垂史册 .1847 年2月11日生于俄亥俄州的迈兰的一个荷兰...

阮致泻15717515799:    求一位名人的英文简介.50个词语左右. -
隆咏和:      :[答案] YaoMing was born September 12,1980 in ShangHai.At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA.He has played basketball all of his life but in 1997 he joined the ShangHai Sharks.In 1998 Yao...

阮致泻15717515799:    介绍一位你熟悉的名人(英语)5句话以上, -
隆咏和:      :[答案] MontesquieuCharles-Louis de Secondat,baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu ,18 January 1689 – 10 February 1755),generally referred to as simply Montesquieu,was a French social commentator and politica...

阮致泻15717515799:    用英语介绍一位伟人,thank you~~~~ -
隆咏和:      :[答案] 正好有一段威廉·莎士比亚的介绍 你可以挑几段~ William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright,widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent ...

阮致泻15717515799:    介绍一个名人 写成一篇英语小作文 -
隆咏和:      :[答案] Liuxiang is one of the most famous running athletes.He was born in Shanghai China in 13th.July,1983.He is 1.88m tall and 74 kilograms.He like singing,his favourite singer is Zhang Xueyou.When he was a...

阮致泻15717515799:    急:一篇用英语介绍名人的文章任何一个名人都行(最好简单一点) -
隆咏和:      :[答案] 爱因斯坦的Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany – April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey) was a theoretical physicist. He was the formulator of the special and general theori...

阮致泻15717515799:    谁给一篇英文的名人简介?200到250字 -
隆咏和:      : Thomas Alva Edison was born in February 11.1847.he was born on a peasant family in American. He was at school only three month. After his mother teach him at home. Him family was so poor that sell newspaper when he was 12 years old. He ...

阮致泻15717515799:    用5句英文来描述一位名人 -
隆咏和:      : We're so proud of he. Her english is in credible. He're very professional. He have a good tuste. He have a good sense of humor. (如有不慎请见谅,猜猜看吧)

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