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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:Hua Luogeng. Born in Jintan District, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, he is a mathematician, an academician of the Chinese Academy , and a researcher the Institute mathematics, Chinese Academy Sciences.华罗庚。出生于江苏常州金坛区,数学家,中国科学院院士,美国国家科学院外籍院士,中国科学院...

答:Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich and he began his schooling there at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 ...

英语 写8个名人的句子
答:英语名人名言What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。——Shakespeare There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. 崇高与荒谬仅一步之遥。——Napoleon Even when the experts all agree, ...

答:Confucius (former on 28 September 551-former on April 11, 479), son last name, KongShi, the name, the word you, very lu city (now China's shandong province south essien ocres town), China's spring and autumn periods thinkers and educator, the founder of Confucianism. ...

答:我最崇拜的名人英语作文 范文一:We always admire those heroes who can guide us in life. The hero in my heart is Michael Phelps. He is truly great. We all know that he won 8 gold medals in the 2008 Olympics. But maybe you don't know how hard he trained before that. He ...

答:The famous person I want to talk about is Orlando Bloom who is a successful actor. He was born in 1978 in California, USA. He is an American. I like him because he looks really nice and he can act well. I enjoy most of his movies....

答:YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA. He has played basketball all of his life but in 1997 he joined the ShangHai Sharks. In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team. In the year 2000 Yao joined...

答:A · the love is greatest natural science of 20 centuries because of the 斯坦 flagman for, physics revolution in house.Was born in a small owner family for operating the electric appliances workshop of German and black ear 姆 on March 14 in 1879.Empress of a year, move into ...

答:These are contemporary `` `任长霞百姓心中一座丰碑人物简介:河南省登封市公安局局长,在执行任务中殉职的女警官她是中原大地上的又一个女英雄。 Ren Changxia a monument to the hearts of the people profiles: Dengfeng City, Henan Province Public Security Bureau, in the implementation of the ...

答:Yao ming is one of the most famous basketball players in the world.He began to play basketball at nine and revealed his natural gift for sport.At the age of 18,he became one of the members of the national basketball team.Four years later,he entered the NBA as the second ...

从庞晓18392399247:    急急急!!用英语写一篇名人简介70词 -
宋烁香:      : Li Baili bai was one of the most famous chinese poets.he was born in 710in central asia.

从庞晓18392399247:    关于一些名人的英语简介要出名的 -
宋烁香:      :[答案] Albert Einstein was born at Ulm,in W眉rttemberg,Germany,on March 14,1879.Six weeks later the family moved to Munich ... of course,well chronicled and his more important works include Special Theory of Relativity (1905),Relativity (English translations,...

从庞晓18392399247:    关于介绍名人的英语作文(10句话即可)帮我写一篇关于名人的英语文章,10句话就行,写那个名人都可以 -
宋烁香:      :[答案] Sima Qian (司马迁) The Han emperor,WuDi,re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works.As a result,ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear.Sima Qian took...

从庞晓18392399247:    介绍名人的英语作文急用.不用太长,七句话,随便写的也行, -
宋烁香:      :[答案] Confucius (former on 28 September 551-former on April 11,479),son last name,KongShi,the name,the word you,very lu city (now China's shandong province south essien ocres town),China's spring and autumn periods thinkers and educator,the founder...

从庞晓18392399247:    写一个著名人物 用英语!介绍一下他或她的有关情况不少于10句 -
宋烁香:      :[答案] Bell,Alexander Graham (1847-1922),American inventor and teacher of the deaf,most famous for his invention of the telephone. Bell was born on March 3,1847,in Edinburgh,Scotland,and educated at the universities of Edinburgh and London.He ...

从庞晓18392399247:    一篇英文版的名人介绍(200字左右), -
宋烁香:      :[答案] 居里夫人的~ Madame Curie Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world.She was born in 1867.She first lived in Poland,then went to France.When she was very young she was interested in science.She worked very hard and ...

从庞晓18392399247:    中外名人,用英文小短文写出来介绍 -
宋烁香:      :[答案] 这种句型对很多中外名人都有效哒~就拿牛顿举例子: This is Isaac Newton.He was born in 1642.He was an English scientist.He discovered the law of gravity(万有引力定律).When he was a child,he was very quiet.He was always thinking about things...

从庞晓18392399247:    急求一篇介绍名人的英语短文(60字左右) -
宋烁香:      :[答案] He is very tall. He is a player. He became the second Chinese basketball player in NBA. He is the best basketball player in China. He is Yao Ming Today more and more Chinese start to watching NBA.And YAO MING are becoming a new star. YAO are ...

从庞晓18392399247:    用英语介绍一位名人,包括写出他的国籍,出生年月,头衔,主要成就等.内容不少于80词 -
宋烁香:      :[答案] Zhang Ziyi ,age 27,born on February 9,1979,in Beijing,China to Zhang Yuanxiao,an economist father,and Li Zhousheng,a kindergarten teacher mother,is one of China's most popular and successful entertainers and an ever-growing success on the ...

从庞晓18392399247:    谁给一篇英文的名人简介?200到250字 -
宋烁香:      : Thomas Alva Edison was born in February 11.1847.he was born on a peasant family in American. He was at school only three month. After his mother teach him at home. Him family was so poor that sell newspaper when he was 12 years old. He ...

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