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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-02

Our country name is China, this is a great country. In this magical land, descendants of the dragon have one billion and three hundred million.
Once she is very poor. She was bullied by other countries. Her sons and daughters rose up and drove the invaders away.
Once said she is a sleeping lion, but wake up, her power cannot imagine. This is very right, today's China and the former China has produced enormous changes. Now you in the ear to listen, you will hear the roar of the machine factory, hear students reading aloud, when he heard the elderly exercise, hearty laughter. Now you are in China look lookout, you will see the plane landed on the airfield, see the train ran on the track, to see the road car sped past.
China is strong, Chinese is strong. Whether it is just last year's snow disaster, hand, foot and mouth disease, or the beginning of the year shocked the world financial crisis, has not been able to defeat the Chinese people. In front of the big difficulties, the Chinese people always unite as one, hand in hand over the difficulties.
I will always love my motherland!

"...5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ignite!go!"on october 15, 2003, china launched its first manned spacecraft into orbit from the jiuquan satellite launch centre in northwest china's gansu province.


spraying a mass of orange flames, the large, white long march ii-f rocket carrying the shenzhou-v spacecraft and china's first astronaut yang liwei soared spectacularly skyward, gradually becoming a bright ball betore vanishing into deep space.


as the world's largest developing country, china is more than proud of making its own contribution to human beings' outer space exploration.meantime, it will turn out to be an important driving force for the country's economic and social development.the successful launch of shenzhou-v ushered in a new chapter in space history.



My country, I'm proud of you
The name China, deeply engraved in my mind. I don't know how many winter passed, I do not know after how many summer, don't know how many setbacks, under I do not know to share the joy of how many, we set up this beautiful, strong ZuGuoCai today.
I am very proud, because I am a Chinese people. China in the past, is so weak, always bullied by other countries, known as "the sick man of Asia". Now China, and produced a striking contrast in China, before is so powerful, over many countries, invincible.
In the children's view, no matter how many months in China, how many years, how many centuries, her face will never be vicissitudes of life, not aging, but always so handsome, so beautiful, so happy. When old people filed their motherland, rippling every wrinkle in the happy, lies a hope. Is not only the Chinese very admiration for his own country, even foreigners admire China, all want to look on her face, opened its veil of mystery. Although China is very strong, but not overbearing, bullying.
During the long history of China in one thousand, out of the many great men, such as: MAO zedong, zhou enlai, deng xiaoping, zhu DE, liu shaoqi, etc. Their culture and construction of the motherland have made a great contribution. As a Chinese, is I this life the biggest pleasure, just said the growth of those great men, cannot leave the culture of the motherland.
The motherland of the Great Wall, a symbol of your wisdom and power; The five-star red flag of the motherland, a symbol of your sons and daughters of the unity and prosperity; Construction of the motherland, a symbol of your prosperous and strong. In the evening, quiet dark blue is weaving the sky gradually, the moon in the sky, their homeland as the day, is still so busy and busy. The stars in the sky and the moon silently watching, also the proud of China.
When the five-star red flag rising, everyone watching it silently, because it is a symbol of you, everyone stopped their hurried footsteps, stopped his happy to play, watching it. Here, again, my homeland, I'm proud of you!

支咐柄答:My country, I'm proud of you The name China, deeply engraved in my mind. I don't know how many winter passed, I do not know after how many summer, don't know how many setbacks, under I do not know to share the joy of how many, we set up this beautiful, strong Zu...

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