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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-05-31



  There're many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.


  I think green is the most beautiful colour. Do you know why? Because green is the colour of life. Do you think so?


  As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees. Green is good for our eyes, too. When your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help you to relax your eyes. And I think green is the nature colour, I love nature things.


  Can you tell me what your favourite colour is?



  of all the colors, i love blue best. blue is the color of sky and sea. when the sky is blue, we will feel happy to have a nice day. blue is also related to the sea.

  when we come to the seaside, the deep blue color will attract us much. i like swimming in the sea very much. it makes me feel free and happy. blue can make us feel easy, cool us down when we are too anxious. it's a color of ration and calm.


  Seasons have colors. What are the four seasons' colors like?


  Spring is green. When spring comes, trees begin to bud and grass begin to grow. It is really a green world, and it is also the color of hope.What about summer? When I look at flowers of almost all kinds in blossom, I know that the color of summer is red.Compared with summer, autumn is totally different color, especially in the north of our country. The rice in the fields and fruits on the branches are the signals of autumn. It is the color filled with ripeness. Gold is the symbol of harvest.Winter is the world of snow. Therefore, white is the color of winter.春天是绿色的。当春天来了,树木开始发芽,小草开始生长。春天真是一个绿色的世界,也 是希望的颜色。那么夏天呢?当我们看见各种各样的花含苞欲放的时候,我们就知道夏天的颜色是红色。和夏天相比,秋天是完全不同的颜色,特别是在我国的北方。田里的稻谷和树枝上的水果都是秋天的标志。秋天是成熟的颜色。金色象征着收获。冬天是雪的世界。因此,冬天是白色的。

  Seasons have colors and the changing of the four seasons makes the land colorful and energetic.


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咎博肃答:Of all the colors, I love blue best.Blue is the color of sky and sea.When the sky is blue, we will feel happy to have a nice day.Blue is also related to the sea.When we come to the seaside, the deep blue color will attract us much.I like swimming in the sea very...

咎博肃答:yellow and green.The red lighting means you must not cross the road.The yellow one means you may just wait few seconds .The last one tells you that it is safe to go.If you pay attentiion ,you will find so many colours be used in our life. Every one has his favourite ...


咎博肃答:will see smile in the face of farmers.When the days come, we will see yellow sun in the sky. it gives us sunshine and heat.We will find all kinds of yellow colour in our life.don`t you like it ...兄弟还是姐妹呀。我初中水平就能写这么多了不知道合不合你心意了!!!

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