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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-01

Super hero, is a fantasy of the heroes, portrayed as early America or moreJapanese manga, but later in the TV and movies have their own original super hero. They have a special ability to transcend the ordinary people, do some unusual feat and heroic acts, protect people's struggle against the forces of evil. Generally they will have a set to be able to represent the personality andthe super ability of gorgeous costumes, and one with the same charactername. One of the most a representative's superman.

it lies in the southwest of China,
this place has a long history,
people here are very friendly and hospitable,
the scenery is breathtaking,
what's more, you will enjoy the delicious and yummy local food and specialities...........

Mao Zedong -- A Great Man in Chinese History
Mao Zedong, also well known as Chairman Mao, is a great man in human history. His dramatic personal life, his military talent, his artist poems, his political skill, his famous third world classification theory and his dictator's leading style in his years have influenced generations of people. In order to fully understand the modern history of China, it is indispensable to study the father of the People's Republic of China.
Mao Zedong was born on December 26, 1893, and died on September 9, 1976 at the age of 83. He was the head of the Chinese Communist Party for forty-one years since the historic ZhunYi meeting (1935) during the Long March. He built the Red Army (Late, referred to the People's Liberation Army), took part in the anti-Japanese War and the civil war in China and finally chased the Guo Ming Dang to Taiwan and established the People's Republic of China. He was one of most influential people in the modern China history.


Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865) and one of the great men of history. A humane, farsighted statesman in his lifetime, he became a legend and a folk hero after his death. Lincoln rose from humble backwoods origins to become one of the great presidents of the United States. In his effort to preserve the Union during the Civil War, he assumed more power than any preceding president. If necessity made him almost a dictator, by fervent conviction he was always a democrat. A superb politician, he persuaded the people with reasoned word and thoughtful deed to look to him for leadership. He had a lasting influence on American political institutions, most importantly in setting the precedent of vigorous executive action in time of national emergency.

In the American Civil War, his chief concern was the preservation of the Union from which the Confederate (Southern) slave states had seceded on his election. In 1863 he announced the freedom of the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. He was re-elected 1864 with victory for the North in sight, but was assassinated at the end of the war.


Born Marja Sklodowska, Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. Her father taught high school physics. In 1891 she went to Paris (where she changed her name to Marie) and enrolled in the Sorbonne. Two years later she passed the examination for her degree in physics, ranking in first place. She met Pierre Curie in 1894, and they married in 1895. Marie Curie was interested in the recent discoveries of radiation. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen had discovered X rays in 1895, and in 1896 Antoine Henri Becquerel had discovered that the element uranium gives off similar invisible radiations. Curie thus began studying uranium radiations, and, using piezoelectric techniques devised by her husband, carefully measured the radiations in pitchblende, an ore containing uranium. When she found that the radiations from the ore were more intense than those from uranium itself, she realized that unknown elements, even more radioactive than uranium, must be present. Marie Curie was the first to use the term radioactive to describe elements that give off radiations as their nuclei break down


Tilly Smith, a ten-year-old British girl, saved over a hundred lives using what she had learned about tsunamis in her geography class. Tilly was on vacation in Thailand and was enjoying the local beach when she noticed that the ocean waters were quickly disappearing, exposing more and more of the sandy beach. She knew this was the sign of a coming tsunami and was able to convince hotel workers to evacuate the beach before the tsunami arrived.

Yangliwei,as we all know he is a very successful astronaut of China .we are all admired him very much , and his achievements today are obvious to everyone and are the examples for chinese to follow .



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鄂轰涛答:Mao Zedong -- A Great Man in Chinese History 一代伟人毛泽东 Mao Zedong, also well known as Chairman Mao, is a great man in human history. His dramatic personal life, his military talent, his artist poems, his political skill, his famous third world classification theory and his...

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