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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-17

典范英语8pass the ball读后感?
答:Tommy was a footballer in his school, and he like playing football very much. Tommy’s granddad could play football very well. But Tommy hated the way granddad world turn up at school football matches wearing his old team kit. His mother told Tommy that Tommy’s granddad ...

典范英语7(12-16)的读后感 急!!!
答:虽然字数多了点,不过应该可以吧!o(∩_∩)o 一个男孩的哥哥有一双运动鞋,男孩不喜欢那运动鞋,因为他总是发出噪音,而且还当挡住她看电视!晚上,男孩和哥哥睡觉了,男孩发现运动鞋好像在看他,于是他很害怕!然后运动鞋把家里弄得乱七八糟,结果男孩的妈妈认为是男孩干的!每到了晚上,男孩都...

典范英语6 2-4本读后感
答:3.Nosiy neighbours.There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours.There are very clever, they got lots of money from that man, and stay together.The rich man only got money, but he don't know how to enjoy this life, he is lonly.He always thought about his money...

答:1.重要的事情中四班孩子们忙工作然后他们的老师,安德伍德小姐,说: ' 我有非常重要的事情要告诉你。’她笑着说: ' 新来的男孩就会来到我们班。他的名字是奥托和他来自远、 很远的地方。事实上,他来自外层空间...'(这将是在地球学校的奥托的第一天。他是在这里。..)门打开了,一个男孩走了...

答:The feeling after reading Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and Sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.We support him to be a human.But my mum found it .and called the factory on the vid-phone.we're on a escape.On the way ,Petey was caught...

答:第十三本 6_13_The Ghost_ShipErnie感到很震惊,因为他发现了一艘幽灵船在学校的操场上行驶,但是班里只有他和Jade能看见它。他们一起帮Pegleg船长找到了他的宝藏,最后幽灵船开始渐渐消退,消失了。1 幽灵船 一天,厄尼上学晚了。他跑上学校山,钻过栅栏里的洞。他希望校长没有看见他。 “哇!”...

答:典范英语6 7:有一个在城堡。皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友。国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁。女皇诺拉不休息。公主简写了一份通知。她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上。清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水才去拜访城堡。日子一天天过去,没人来问关于清洁的工作。这个城堡变得...

答:不知道你英语什么程度,【】内的看得懂的话第一段可以用【】内的 Long vacation, I read the British writer Jonathan • swift's "Gulliver's Travels." Spicy Irony and Humor novel, bizarre imagination and exaggeration, to describe very fond of nautical adventure Gulliver, everywhere...

答:"A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The ...

答:典范英语6 7:有一个在城堡。皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友。国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁。女皇诺拉不休息。公主简写了一份通知。她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上。清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水才去拜访城堡。日子一天天过去,没人来问关于清洁的工作。这个城堡变得...

钟竿殷15062667040:    典范英语的读后感 -
霍菲怜:      : Noisy neighbours " tells the story of the miser is: Mr Flinch very hate neighbors sound, therefore, he used many tricks, but without success. Finally, therefore dissipate his fortune, but still did not cast off his neighbor. Reading this book, I understand a...

钟竿殷15062667040:    求典范英语6读后感100字 -
霍菲怜:      : 在这个假期,我看了一本书叫,最有名的英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的“远大前程”.他写了很多精彩的小说.这本书是他的工作. 人们总是喜欢与自己的朋友进行比较.所有,这是一个很大的劣势击败.如果其他人有很多钱,我们也想成为富人...

钟竿殷15062667040:    典范英语,oh otto读后感,急需 -
霍菲怜:      : sdddddddddddddddd【【;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

钟竿殷15062667040:    【典范英语】读后感 英文的 -
霍菲怜:      : Every child can succeed," This is a classic western education, the author of this book is a well-known American expert on the study, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, who had 15 years of intensive investigation and research monographs written in the ...

钟竿殷15062667040:    典范英语6,第二册的读后感,50词左右,跪求!!!!!!!!! -
霍菲怜:      : Nosiy neighbours. There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours.There are very clever, they got lots of money from that man, and stay together.The rich man only got money, but he don't know how to enjoy this life, he is lonly.He always ...

钟竿殷15062667040:    急需关于典范英语7①刺猬女孩艾蜜的英语读后感,100到150词左右,不要有语法错误,初一学生水平 -
霍菲怜:      : The little girl Amy wants to raise the hedgehog. He to the library to borrow books about the hedgehog, and a plate of animal calls discs. Amy learn a hedgehog. Amy's house yard is a hedgehog, and he was numbered with the hedgehog try to dialogue...

钟竿殷15062667040:    典范英语 8 - 14 古墓挖掘者:发现图坦卡蒙的读后感 100字左右.O(∩ - ∩)O谢谢 -
霍菲怜:      : 语法有点不准没事的 看了懂 Tomb excavations nearly a century ago, in the Egyptian desert, Mr.Carter with the workers in the desert with the archaeological excavation. One of the workers dug up a group of stone steps. They continue to dig down, ...

钟竿殷15062667040:    典范英语7前五本读后感(英文)250字左右,好的话一篇20悬赏分 -
霍菲怜:      :[答案] 典范英语属于泛读材料,在阅读过程中可以找到属于自己的阅读技巧,了解一些背景文化而且里面的故事都很有趣,建议有时间还是自己阅读一下比较好(部分积累已发邮箱)

钟竿殷15062667040:    典范英语7读后感 -
霍菲怜:      : 典范英语6 7: 有一个在城堡.皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友.国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁.女皇诺拉不休息.公主简写了一份通知.她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上.清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水...

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