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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-17

答:具体如下:a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involunt……一个男孩看到一双结实的运动鞋,就把它当作珍宝。当他穿着...

典范英语9性格魔水 读后感
答:danny is a shy boy,he likes reading detective novels,he wants to be like kid kaine as detective,but he had noconfidence.duncan wicks is a school bully,he always bullying smaller than him,one day,on the bus,he let danny sat next to him,took his bag,tookdannythe inside to ...

答:具体如下:a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involunt.一个男孩看到一双结实的运动鞋,就把它当作珍宝。当他穿着它...

急征典范英语9 1到5的总结概括!!!急急急!!!
答:的旁边 他没有勇气去走上前坐上去 他假装没有看到那个空座位 但那货看到他了并说 你过来吧 我又不会吃掉你 danny只好坐过去 但是那货却抢了他的包包还打danny 抢走了他的午餐...虽然danny很想抢过来并且揍那货一顿 但是他却没有勇气 事后他觉得自己很窝囊 后来到家后他叔叔给他说他有性格魔水 问danny要...

典范英语9 14《发现图坦卡蒙》读后感
答:《发现图坦卡蒙》读后感 看《发现图坦卡蒙》过这本书后,让我感到太不可思议,太震惊了。从 罗塞塔石碑到吴哥宝窟,从金字塔到哈弗大学,无论多少个帝国兴衰,多少种民族融合,人类对于美和真理的不懈追求,构成了文明历史的主线。打开这本书,从罗 马河畔开始探寻文明发展的漫漫旅行,看到辉煌的巴比伦、...

答:actually inner beauty is more important. When you don’t know a person, don’t think he is a you should not get along with. Everyone deserves your learning strengths, you should have a pair of eyes to find beauty, good at finding the advantage of others.Everyone has his own...

典范英语 刺猬女孩艾蜜 读后感 或全文翻译 跪求 好的悬赏100分
答:1/4的人绝对是个疯子。”Peck先生给那个磁带盒子做上了标记,说:“别忘了听完磁带再次把它倒会初始。”2. 刺猬的谈话艾蜜坐在自己的房间里,用她自己的立体声耳机一遍又一遍地听着刺猬的声音。艾蜜自己也重复着刺猬声。“我在和刺猬谈话,”艾蜜想着:“我很想知道他们在说什么”。我真的需要一只刺猬来帮助我...

答:" Pippi Princess holiday " is the story of the original proud Pippi princess in a trip to the seaside,making a good friend paisy,help her to get rid of the shortcomings.This book gives me inspiration is:a good friend,can make you lifelong benefit,because he can influence ...

答:The novel has portrayed many different people.Doctor Manette ,Lucie ,Charles ,Lorry ,Sydney and Miss Pross .I like Lorry best,as he is honest and brave.As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and...

典范英语1 a who did that读后感?

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语9性格魔水 读后感 -
欧狮斧:      : danny is a shy boy, he likes reading detective novels, he wants to be like kid kaine as detective, but he had noconfidence. duncan wicks is a school bully, he always bullying smaller than him, one day, on the bus, he let danny sat next to him, took his ...

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语9 14《发现图坦卡蒙》读后感 -
欧狮斧:      : 《发现图坦卡蒙》读后感 看《发现图坦卡蒙》过这本书后,让我感到太不可思议,太震惊了.从 罗塞塔石碑到吴哥宝窟,从金字塔到哈弗大学,无论多少个帝国兴衰,多少种民族融合,人类对于美和真理的不懈追求,构成了文明历史的主线.打开这本书,从罗 马河畔开始探寻文明发展的漫漫旅行,看到辉煌的巴比伦、强大的阿拉伯帝国、繁荣的欧洲城市和神奇的玻璃金字塔、它们带给你的思索,最令人心动的宝藏,莫过 于古埃及图坦卡蒙的黄金陪葬品.还有那罗马的文化遗产,为了能让其他人看懂研究者不停的努力,直到把意思全部解释出来……..这么惊人的历史让我觉得古代人了不起,现在的人更了不起.以前使用体力来建造建筑物,现在用现代化技术去建设我们的世界.

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语9顶级跑鞋读后感100字,在线等,高一水平就行 -
欧狮斧:      : 具体如下: a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involunt…… 一个男孩看到一双结实的运动鞋...

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语9中6、7本的英文总结与读后感 -
欧狮斧:      : 哥们你2113省实验的吧,好心给你5261篇典41029-6,懒得发邮箱,直1653接给你Kelly the resce dogThe book is about a rescue dog called Kelly.Its owner is a rescue man.There happens an earthquake in Turkey.So the rescue dog comes to ...

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语初一读后感
欧狮斧:      : In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions. People always like to ...

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语(6)6~11本书的读后感想 -
欧狮斧:      : 6:How interesting the story is.When I have read the story,I want to have a pair of jungle shorts and wear them to have a football game.7:Princess Jane is a smart girl.King Harry is a good husband and father.Queen North is a good queen.But I think ...

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语 1 - 4的读后感 -
欧狮斧:      : 这个英语书又臭又长真烦

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语8 - 4的读后感 -
欧狮斧:      : 有一个女孩叫多萝西和她是一个可爱的女孩,长长的红头发.由于旋风,她开始了有趣的冒险与她的小狗托托.她结识了一个铁皮人,稻草人和狮子.她的朋友们有不同的薄弱环节.狮子是一个懦夫,无脑的稻草人,锡的人,也没有心.但多萝西帮助他们,最后,他们得到了他们想要的一切.这个故事是令人兴奋的,我喜欢多萝西最好的.因为她是勇敢所有的时间.她是不怕的狮子,她可以在狮子大吼.虽然狮子是更大的,比她强.我认为她也是那种.她是她身边的每一个人,尤其是她的朋友.这就是为什么为什么他们可以得到他们想要的东西,在最后.他们的梦想终于成真,他们很高兴.他们竭尽全力互相帮助的方式翡翠城的.这是一个皆大欢喜的结局,我想多萝西和她的朋友永远不会忘记的经验.我也是.

江秒连18679178320:    跪求典范英语6的9--18读后感,要初中水平,重重有赏! -
欧狮斧:      :[答案] Daniel is disappointed when his mum buys him a robot dog,but when Micro learns how to behave like a real dog,Daniel soon changes his mind and Micro becomes'the best dog in the world There is a castle.Royal cleaners to tell the Queen,at the ...

江秒连18679178320:    典范英语(6)6~11本书的读后感想(6)丛林短裤 (7)来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 (8)蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 (9)蒙面清洁女工面对海盗 (10)水母鞋 ... -
欧狮斧:      :[答案] 6:How interesting the story is.When I have read the story,I want to have a pair of jungle shorts and wear them to have a football game. 7:Princess Jane is a smart girl.King Harry is a good husband and father.Queen North is a good queen.But I think she ...

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