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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-05-31

典范英语7 4读后感
答:harold bride and his friend phillips are far more great.He remembered the band playing until the end and his friend Phillips staying at the wireless,because the band and Phillips insisted on working till the last minute.If I were on the ship that night,I would feel very scared ...

答:There was a girl called Dorothy and she is a lovely girl with long red hair. Because of a cyclone, she started her interesting adventures with her dog Toto. She made friends with a tin man, a scarecrow and a lion. Her friends had different weak points. The lion is a ...

求典范英语7 6课7课的读后感 就是《布莱克伯恩拯救学校》《送错的信...
答:It was the first dayof term at Abby Park School. Blackbones was the new teacher in the Class 4. Andhe was a pirate. All of the students liked Blackbones. But, the head, MissLupin didn’t like Blackbones. So she sacked Blackbones. And he has got to go bythe end of the...

答:《皮皮公主的假期》讲述的是原本骄横的皮皮公主在一次海边旅行时,结交了一个好朋友 paisy ,在她的帮助下改掉了身上的缺点。这本书给我的启示是:一个好的朋友,将可以使 你终身受益匪浅,因为他可以潜移默化地影响你,改变你不良的陋习,成就你的人生。 " Pippi Princess holiday " is the ...

典范英语6 6、7、8、9、的大意,要英文,最好有读后感
答:第6本:simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog.第7本:Del is a football player. His dad and friends are gave many pressure to Del....

答:Mandela fought for the people of South Africa. In prison, he struggld even harder for his country.He became the most famous prisoner in the world.

典范英语oh otto读后感
答:" Oh, Otto tells " is: in the beginning of the school,often joke alien boy Otto in a treasure hunt in performance,there by get affirmation, reading this book, I know: we should be brave enough to think the courage to struggle, regardless of your qualifications excellent. This...

典范英语7 主要内容及总结
答:【原文】有一个老师总穿一条脏裤子,然而为了一次家长会老师换上了一条他很喜欢的新裤子和配套的新上衣.【译文】A teacher always wears a dirty pants,however for the sake of a parent will the teacher made change a new pants and the new blouse of kit that he likes very much.【原文...

答:This story is mainly about a pirate called Grace. First of all, she was really unlucky because she was surrounded by the pirate. And the rules didn't allow woman on the pirate ship. So she was tossed on board and sent to the nearest island. But she was really tough,and ...

答:The Franklins were about to add twins to their family, so their parents decided to sell their house, which was no longer enough to live in. Franklin, however, liked Stanley Street very much. It had the smell he liked, its friendly neighbors, its best friends, and he couldn'...

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语7读后感 -
李饰维:      : 典范英语6 7: 有一个在城堡.皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友.国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁.女皇诺拉不休息.公主简写了一份通知.她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上.清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水...

寿先罡17511507115:    典范7的故事简介和读后感请写典范英语第7集中所有册的故事简介加读后感,故事简介和读后感请写进一篇文章里,每一册都要写,80个词左右,请大能帮... -
李饰维:      :[答案] 9“弗洛西是一个lonly怪物,住在同一个湖中的尼斯湖水怪,但不同的是并不大,因为她是,勇敢或像Nessie.Flossie著名的想要一个朋友,找到一个的弗兰谁喜欢弗洛西是一个位不同.

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语7刺猬女孩艾蜜读后感不要和网上一样的!!!! -
李饰维:      : One day, the school please animal experts to lecture, Amy produces strong interest to the hedgehog, borrow books and tapes on the hedgehog, learning about the hedgehog, and practice the language of the hedgehog, call the hedgehog in the ...

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语7前五本读后感(英文)250字左右,好的话一篇20悬赏分 -
李饰维:      :[答案] 典范英语属于泛读材料,在阅读过程中可以找到属于自己的阅读技巧,了解一些背景文化而且里面的故事都很有趣,建议有时间还是自己阅读一下比较好(部分积累已发邮箱)

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语七的第一本的读后感,急急急, -
李饰维:      : After learning Good English 17(Pioneer Girl, the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder), I have some feelings about it. Do you know what Laura said? She said that: “Home was where Pa's fiddle was hung on the wall. It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for ...

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语7 17《炸面圈的两难处境》读后感,英文的,字数70左右就可以了, -
李饰维:      :[答案] Danny's favorite star Keith ,becomes the Lowgate team's worst player.Keith can't think of anything but tasty doughnuts.When Danny gives a doughnuts to Keith.,Keith is soon a stair again,and makes sure Danny is rewarded.

寿先罡17511507115:    急需关于典范英语7①刺猬女孩艾蜜的英语读后感,100到150词左右,不要有语法错误,初一学生水平 -
李饰维:      : The little girl Amy wants to raise the hedgehog. He to the library to borrow books about the hedgehog, and a plate of animal calls discs. Amy learn a hedgehog. Amy's house yard is a hedgehog, and he was numbered with the hedgehog try to dialogue...

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语7吵闹的邻居读后感 -
李饰维:      : 不是因为他的灰色房子,Flinch先生不快乐,不是因为他很穷,因为他并非如此.Flinch先生是一个吝啬鬼.他从未给过别人一个便士(他从未给过别人一个微笑),他是一个吝啬和凄惨的人.

寿先罡17511507115:    典范英语7的第二课的读后感怎么写(英文) -
李饰维:      :[答案] 第6本:simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog. 第7本:Del is a football player.His dad and friends are ...

寿先罡17511507115:    求典范英语7第8、9本的读后感 -
李饰维:      :[答案] 8.I think this story is not very true.Because there won't be living trainers.And trainers can't eat animals and toes.In fact I think there is nothing can make you afraid.Men feel afraid just because t...

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