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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

sore throat前面加什么
答:sore throat前面加不定冠词:a。a sore throat 读音:英 [ə sɔː(r) θrəʊt] 美 [ə sɔːr θroʊt]。释义:嗓子疼;喉咙痛;喉痛;咽喉炎;喉咙疼。sore指身体某部位的痛处,有是也指精神上的痛苦。 in the front part of the ...

a sore throat是什么意思
答:a sore throat意思是喉咙痛。throat这个字,意思是咽喉。咽是一前后略扁的漏斗形肌性管道,位于第1~6颈椎前方,上端附于颅底,向下于第6颈椎下缘或环状软骨的高度续于食管。咽有前壁、后壁及侧壁,其前壁不完整,故咽向前分别与鼻腔、口腔及喉腔相通。咽腔分别以软腭与会厌上缘为界,分为鼻咽、...

i have a sore throat是什么意思
答:i have a sore throat的意思是我咽喉痛。sore [英][sɔ:(r)][美][sɔr, sor]adj.疼痛的; 使人伤心的; 恼火的,发怒的;n.(肌肤的)痛处,伤处;adv.〈古,诗〉同sorely;throat [英][θrəʊt][美][θroʊt]n.咽喉; 颈前部; [植物学]管颈;vt.用...

i have a sore throat是什么意思
答:i have a sore throat的意思是:我喉咙疼。have a sore throat 释义:喉咙痛。例句:1.to have a sore throat 嗓子疼 2.I have a sore throat.我喉咙痛。3.I have a sore throat today.我今天嗓子疼。sore throat英 [ sɔ: θrəut ] 美 [ sɔr θrot ]n.喉咙痛 ...

a sore throat是什么意思怎么读
答:喉咙痛 sore[ sɔ:(r)throat[θrəut]你可以在金山词霸或者爱词霸搜索,如果不会音标点小喇叭就可以听到了

英语have a sore throat怎么翻译?
答:Have a sore throat.意思是:嗓子痛。或者说是:咽喉痛。

sore throat怎么读
答:英 [sɔ: θrəut]美 [sɔr θrot]n. 喉咙痛 网 络 喉咙痛;咽喉痛;咽炎;喉痛 1. I had a sore throat and could only croak. 更多牛津 我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。来自《权威词典》2. to have a sore throat 嗓子疼 来自《权威词典》3. This medicine should ...

sore throat什么意思
答:咽喉痛 1、He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool.他假托喉痛不到校上课。2、Garlic is also good for treatment of bronchitis, colds, coughs, sore throat, feverand indigestion.大蒜还有助于治疗支气管炎、感冒、咳嗽、喉痛、发烧和消化不良。

答:嗓子疼英文介绍如下:have a sore throat:英/hæv ə sɔː(r) θrəʊt/ 美/hæv ə sɔːr θroʊt/。喉咙痛;嗓子痛。I have a sore throat today and cannot speak.我今天喉咙痛没办法讲话。What's the matter?( I ...

答:1. headache 头痛 头痛的英文叫做headache。例: I’ve got a splitting headache. 我头痛得很厉害。例: She’s got a headache and a slight fever. 她头痛以及轻微发烧。2.a sore throat 喉咙痛 喉咙痛的英文叫做a sore throat。例: She has a sore throat and a fever. 她喉咙痛跟...

容脉穆15114671523:    英语中,人体哪些部位疼痛即可用Sore也可用Ache? -
冀薇服:      : 在英语中表示人体某部位“痛”时常用以下几种形式:A.have a+身体部位名次接词缀ache,如:Have a headache头疼 have a earache 耳痛Have a toothache 牙疼 have a stomach ache胃疼 B.have a sore【】+身体部位名词.sore为形容词,...

容脉穆15114671523:    英文中的疼痛 -
冀薇服:      : ache一般是指疼痛,而sore是肌肉酸痛时才会用. ache一般来说是加在疼痛的身体部位后面的,例如肚子疼:stomachache,牙疼:toothache.而sore是当形容词用,比如说脚疼:sore feet,酸痛的手臂:sore arm.sore和ache都是痛的意思...

容脉穆15114671523:    a sore throat 这个词语是什么意思?? -
冀薇服:      : 你好.这个词组的意思是:“喉咙痛”.希望对你有帮助.望采纳.

容脉穆15114671523:    asorethroat,什么意思? -
冀薇服:      : a sore throat 喉咙痛-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢.

容脉穆15114671523:    i have a sore throat是什么意思 -
冀薇服:      : i have a sore throat的意思是我咽喉痛. sore [英][sɔ:(r)][美][sɔr, sor] adj.疼痛的; 使人伤心的; 恼火的,发怒的; n.(肌肤的)痛处,伤处; adv.〈古,诗〉同sorely; throat [英][θrəʊt][美][θroʊt] n.咽喉; 颈前部; [植物学]管颈; vt.用沙哑的声音或嗓音发音; Why do I always have a sore throat?为什么我总咽喉痛?

容脉穆15114671523:    sore throat怎么读 -
冀薇服:      : 英 [sɔ: θrəut]美 [sɔr θrot]n. 喉咙痛 网 络喉咙痛;咽喉痛;咽炎;喉痛 1. I had a sore throat and could only croak. 更多牛津 我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话. 来自《权威词典》 2. to have a sore throat 嗓子疼 来自《权威词典》 3. This ...

容脉穆15114671523:    如何记have a toothache,have a headache,have a sore throat -
冀薇服:      :[答案] have a tooth(牙齿)+ache(疼痛) have a head(头)+ache(疼痛) have a sore(疼痛的)throat(喉咙)

容脉穆15114671523:    I had a sore throat是过去式吗 -
冀薇服:      : 是的 I had a sore throat 我喉咙痛 双语例句 1 I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow. 我喉咙发炎,吞咽东西时很疼.

容脉穆15114671523:    sore throat是什么意思 -
冀薇服:      : sore throat[英][sɔ: θrəut][美][sɔr θrot] n.喉咙痛;例句: 1. Got anything for a sore throat? 有治喉咙痛的东西吗? 2. Sore throat, you say? 你说你喉咙痛? 3. Thanks for watching video how to treat a sore throat with lemon. 感谢收看“怎样用柠檬治疗喉咙痛”视频节目

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