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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-16

1.Farmers are often___(忙碌的)with their harvest i
答:busy try really twelve arrive

...good harvest in autumn.A.for.B.on.C.in.D.with选哪个
答:B 在某方面的意思

Harvest (Album Version) 歌词
答:歌曲名:Harvest (Album Version)歌手:NEIL YOUNG 专辑:Decade edit by lyman Did I see you down in a young girl's town With your mother in so much pain?I was almost there at the top of the stairs With her screamin' in the rain.Did she wake you up to tell you that It was...

答:And I can go hiking with my family when it’s sunny and cool. I like hiking. Summer is hot in the north of China, but it’s not long time. I often go swimming. It can make me healthy and strong. I can also wear my beautiful dresses. Fall is a season with harvest. And I ...

答:1.C A但是B尽管 D是个连词词组 后面不能直接加名词 如果要加名词需要加OF 句意 尽管下雨,足球比赛还是继续进行 2.B AD都是连词,不能直接加名词 没有C这种说法 harvest:n. 收获,成果,收获物 v. 收割,收获 例句与用法:1. The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.农民们正在田野里...

航海精灵说harvest a one word crop that rhymes with new 是什么意...

帮我把中文翻译成英语。快点 我很急!~
答:12农民们正忙于收割。The farmers are busy with harvest.13.别走错路。don't go to the wrong way.14.每年。every year/annual 15.遵守交通规则。follow traffic regulations 16.自我介绍。Introduction 17.我们怎样才能使房间干净?How can we make the room clean?18.我们在家帮助父母做家务是件...

My seasons英文作文怎么写
答:I often go swmming.It can make me healthy.I can olso wear my beautifui dresses.Fall is a season with harvest.And I can eat delicious fruits in this season.I can watch the leaves fall.Winter comes,it's often snowy in winter in my hometown.When it snows,everything is white...

帮我分析一个句子:antumn brings with it harvest time..详细提问见...
答:autumn brings with it harvest time和autumn brings harvest time所表达的意思本来就不同 前者的重点在autumn,而后者的重点在harvest time 或许前句换成autumn brings harvest time with it,更方便你理解吧

答:今天我非常高兴地站在这里和大家分享学习的收获。因为幸运地进入中学学习,才深切体会了愉快学习,快乐收获带给我的欣喜。I'm so happy to stand here to sharing my happiness of study with you.Because l'm so luckly to get into a high school.that I can enjoy all the joys brought about ...

岑竹连18916031638:    other people's harvests 为什么harvest要加s -
广解歪:      :[答案] harvest表示“收获”“收成”时,是可数名词; 表示“收获季节,收获期”时,既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词. harvest还可引申为“成果”“后果”,只用单数形式. 在此句里,harvest是做“收获”讲,o...

岑竹连18916031638:    请讲一讲harvest这个词的几种用法 -
广解歪:      : harvest没有什么特殊用法,名词当收获,动词当收割.以下是常见短语 make a long harvest for a little corn.小题大做 make a long harvest about a little corn.小题大做 make a long harvest of a little corn.小题大做 owe sb. a day in the harvest受某人的恩惠

岑竹连18916031638:    a series of good harvests,丰收不是原型吗harvest,为什么加s,不是 -
广解歪:      : 句子前面已著名是 series , 就代表是复数. havrvest 是原型字,也是单数的词 , 但若句子前面是复数的 , 后边就要用复数的词,就是 havrvests 而不可以用单数的词

岑竹连18916031638:    英语语法planting in spring and harvest in autumn为什么后面的 harvest不用+ing?plant不是也是名词种植吗? -
广解歪:      :[答案] harvest本来就可以做名词

岑竹连18916031638:    ...can you also harvest a liquid?Sure.Just think of rainwater.Best of all,it is free,except for the cost of a way to collect it.One way to harvest rainwater is with some... -
广解歪:      :[答案] 保证准确率! 13.Yes,they can. 14.The people in developing countries can avoid having to drink polluted ground water. 15.3,...flying into the water and laying eggs. 17.An American company developed some technology to to harvest rainwater. 如果对你...

岑竹连18916031638:    provide sb.with sth.和provide sb.sth.都对吗? -
广解歪:      : 都是可以的,但加with的用的多些. provide 这个词在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(1998)中是这样解释的.provide: [provide+obj+with] to cause or arrange for (someone) to have or use (something needed or useful); supply. 其提供的例句为:These letters should provide us with all the information we need. 而provide sb sth.也是有相关使用的.所以也对.

岑竹连18916031638:    A timely snow promises a good harvest.是什么意思 -
广解歪:      : A timely snow promises a good harvest的意思是瑞雪兆丰年.一、a good harvest的意思是一个好收成. 例句:1. We expect a good harvest this autumn. 今秋可望丰收.2.The prospect of a good harvest made everyone feel happy. 大丰收的...

岑竹连18916031638:    the autumn brings with it the harvest time -
广解歪:      : 这只是将直接宾语和间接宾语调换了位置,也可以说: The autumn brings the harvest time with it. 这一句里,the harvest time是谓语动词bring的直接宾语,间接宾语it由介词with引导.当一个句子中直接宾语很长的时候,原句中这种顺序的优势就很明显了.

岑竹连18916031638:    A.harvester is a machine - --- - we harvest crops or a person - --- - is harvesting.
广解歪:      : C 这个句子的主干 harvester is a machine or a person harvester是指一个机器或者一个人 然后 machine 和a person 后面分别跟一个限制定语从句 machine 后面用with which 引导 我们用机器来收割庄家 person 用who 引导 望采纳!

岑竹连18916031638:    autumn brings with it the harvest time.其中with it 是不是harvest time的定语呢 -
广解歪:      : 固定词组bring sth with sb 随身携带某物, 秋天来了,也带来了收获的季节.去掉后,语法上句子仍然成立,但带着with it 语意更顺畅.

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