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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-05-27
a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involuntarily, and discovered he ran abnormally fast. his friend told him to not rely on the shoes, after a bit of testing only then did the boy realize how special this pair of shoes was. but this pair of shoes got stolen by the hulk. in the match, he lose because of it, but was happy. on the other hand the person who won the match with the help of the shoes, because of the shoes's autonomy, received the punishment he deserve 译文 一个男孩见到一双破运动鞋就说是宝贝。穿着时还被一个擅长跑步的大块头嘲笑,但男孩热爱跑步,就穿着顶级跑鞋练习,但他不由自主的猛跑起来,发现自己跑得不是一般的快。他的朋友劝他不要依靠鞋子,一番实验后小男孩才领悟到这鞋的不同之处。但这双跑鞋却被大块头偷走了。在比赛中,这使他在比赛中名落孙山,但却很快乐,相反,那个靠顶级跑鞋赢得冠军的人,由于跑鞋的自主性,收到应有的惩罚。   on the other hand the person who won the match with the help of the shoes, because of the shoes's autonomy, received the punishment he deserve.

康瑶珊答:a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involuntarily, and discovered he ran abnormally fast. his friend told him to n...

康瑶珊答:a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involunt……一个男孩看到一双结实的运动鞋,就把它当作珍宝。当他穿着它的时候,...

康瑶珊答:a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involunt.一个男孩看到一双结实的运动鞋,就把它当作珍宝。当他穿着它的时候,一...

康瑶珊答:a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involuntarily, and discovered he ran abnormally fast. his friend told him to not rely on the shoes,

18819516588典范英语8 3顶级跑鞋和4 布莱克 丹读后感 500字
康瑶珊答:我们的孩子像大人一样忙碌。除夕那天,我妈妈让我的父亲,贴春联父亲突然想起忘了买鞭炮。爷俩,我们决定一起下楼买鞭炮,来到摊位卖鞭炮爆竹很多品种啊!火箭,旋转的大炮,刺烟花,鞭炮,礼花炮,黑色蜘蛛枪,有一个大的炸雷。 。 。 。 。 。总之,各种各样的鞭炮声,是不够的。我的父亲给我买...

18819516588典范英语8 顶级跑鞋 读后感
康瑶珊答:on the other hand the person who won the match with the help of the shoes, because of the shoes's autonomy, received the punishment he deserve.

18819516588典范英语8中3、4、5册 读后感(英文)

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