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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-15
1. Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle stands as a testament to the spirit of Edinburgh and serves as a symbol for Scotland itself. Perched atop the volcanic rock of Castle Rock, it commands a panoramic view of downtown Edinburgh. Each August, the castle hosts the annual military band parade.
2. Palace of Holyroodhouse
The Palace of Holyroodhouse, originally the site of Holyrood Abbey, has been the official residence of the British monarchs since the 16th century. It is located at the end of the Royal Mile and has been the setting for state occasions and official entertainment.
3. Greenwich Park
Greenwich Park, which includes the Old Royal Observatory, the National Maritime Museum, and Greenwich Pier, is part of Maritime Greenwich. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997, it is known for its rich history in navigation and timekeeping.
4. St. Mary the Virgin Church
St. Mary the Virgin Church is situated across from King's College. Until the 18th century, this church was where Cambridge University degrees were conferred, after which the Senate House took over this role.
5. The Millennium Dome
The Millennium Dome, with its striking white dome and supporting steel columns, was once hailed as Britain's most successful paid tourist attraction. It marked the climax of the celebrations for the year 2000 in the UK and has been a subject of controversy from its construction to completion.
6. Big Ben
Big Ben, the popular name for the Great Bell of the clock in the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster, is one of London's iconic landmarks. Standing on the banks of the River Thames, it stands 95 meters tall with a bell diameter of 9 feet, weighing 13.5 tons, and tolls every 15 minutes.
7. Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace serves as the principal residence and workplace of the British monarch in London. Situated in Westminster, it is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, and also a major tourist attraction. It has been an important gathering place during significant moments in British history and is now open to visitors, hosting the famous Changing of the Guard ceremony every morning.
8. Elizabeth Tower
Elizabeth Tower, formerly known as Big Ben, is the bell tower of the Palace of Westminster, one of the world's renowned Gothic structures, and a landmark of London. In June 2012, it was renamed to honor Queen Elizabeth II.
9. St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Cathedral is a globally recognized religious sanctuary, the fifth-largest cathedral in the world, and the first in Britain. It boasts the second-largest dome in the world among cathedrals and is counted among the world's five most significant cathedrals.
10. Tower of London
The Tower of London, a historic palace and fortress on the River Thames, is one of England's most famous landmarks. It was the last royal residence to be used by King James I. The tower has served multiple roles as a fortress, armory, treasury, mint, palace, astronomical observatory, refuge, and prison, particularly for high-status inmates, and was last used as a prison during World War II.

詹昏咸答:伦敦十大景点英文和中文介绍如下:1、爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh castle)Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland. Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh. Theannual march-past of the military band is held here in August.爱丁堡城...

詹昏咸答:1. Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle stands as a testament to the spirit of Edinburgh and serves as a symbol for Scotland itself. Perched atop the volcanic rock of Castle Rock, it commands a panoramic view of downtown Edinburgh. Each August, the castle hosts the annual military ban...

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詹昏咸答:英国著名景点、英文介绍、中文翻译~1,爱丁堡城堡Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland.(爱丁堡城堡是爱丁堡甚至于苏格兰精神的象征。)Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh.(耸立在死火山岩顶上,居高俯视爱丁堡市区。)The a...

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詹昏咸答:伦敦十大景点中英文介绍 伦敦十大著名景点中英文介绍1,爱丁堡城堡Edinburgh castle Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland.Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh.The annual march-past of the military band is held here in August. 爱丁堡...

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詹昏咸答:伦敦十大景点中英文介绍 伦敦十大著名景点中英文介绍1,爱丁堡城堡Edinburgh castle Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland.Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh.The annual march-past of the military band is held here in August. 爱丁堡...

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