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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-17

Apple is the king of the fruit, vitamin C, alkaline substances, etc.
Apple's appearance is very cute, looks like a small fat doll face, red and tender. Apple's color is uniform, mostly in the red. Not bad apples taste, chomp, taste sour and sweet, but delicious! My favorite fruit is an apple.

An apple is a kind of fruit .I like eating it very much.An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It smells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is full of vitamin in it,it is good for us.So we say,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

On Apple
Apple is a kind of fruit. Apple lets people think of George Washington, whose honesty story is still inspiring the young.Apple is healthy because it is said that one apple a day is better than a good doctor.In China, there is a story titled "Story of an Apple", which is about some brave Chinese soldiers in bad living conditions sharing an apple and reflects their great spirits.So apple is not simply a kind of fruit, it may mean a lot.

参考资料: 百度知道

Legend has it that there used to be a monster named Nian, who always went to the village to do evil, and the people in the village were afraid of him.
Once a young man came up with an idea, saying that he would scare him away by beating drums and firing guns when the next year came. The villagers felt that the idea was feasible and began to prepare. Over the years, the villagers began beating gongs, drums and firing guns. As a matter of fact, they frightened Nian away. The villagers were very happy that they would shoot guns in memory of the day of each year. Slowly, they had pasted Spring Festival couplets and so on.
This is the legend of Nian.

This is an ordinary Apple. Is a red, red Lishu yellow; side is yellow, Huang Li Dai Hung. In its yellow skin, there are several sizes, scattered "freckle" in his face, red Tongtong, a 1,5 cm long scar, coupled with a dark red by the Place broken , in this Apple, the big Shafengjing. In the possession of a short stalk above Au Apple into place, like quagmire trapping people in the poor children, such as shame prevarication, is unwilling to see the girls. It picked up, impulsively, deep breaths time, a hint of fragrance Pubi come Xukuijian was delightful, Dusu the bones of the body. Xiangjiao one, but Burenxinshanghai it.hesitant after I finally made. "Carbazole Chi," a bite on, the sweet taste just right: thick, suspected Tatian; desalination, suspected tasteless. Yiman mouth, memorable. Bite again, the sap like Tianjinjin honey, into my blood of. He put on the table, a "Dongdongdong" sounds like movement of a rapid heartbeat sound, but also about the shaking, like a Budaoweng


时殷胥答:This is an ordinary Apple. Is a red, red Lishu yellow; side is yellow, Huang Li Dai Hung. In its yellow skin, there are several sizes, scattered "freckle" in his face, red Tongtong, a 1,5 cm long scar, coupled with a dark red by the Place broken , in this Apple, ...

时殷胥答:sweet 甜 delicious 美味 crunchy 脆 refreshing 清凉

19230095716apple red的歌词是什么意思?
时殷胥答:Apple juice, apple sweet。苹果多汁,苹果甜。Apple, apple, I love you。苹果,苹果,我爱你。Apple sweet I love to eat。苹果甜甜我喜欢吃。《apple red》歌曲介绍。《apple red》是一首简单的英文儿歌,曲调欢快,歌词简单,很适合低年龄段的儿童传唱,歌词主要描写了苹果的外貌特征,非常适合6...

时殷胥答:英:There is an apple in the picture. / There is an apple on the picture。【解析】图片上有一个苹果,这句话有点歧义,或者说语意不够明确,需要分两种情况来讨论。1、如果说这个苹果是画在图片中的,是图片的一部分,那么就用介词 in ,选择第一种表达方式:There is an apple in ...

时殷胥答:主谓结构的句子,即The bird couldnt fly,这鸟不会飞。注释:作为主语的The bird是名词,除此之外还可由动词和形容词来充当主语,这些情况下,这些动词和形容词就来陈述主语的动作、事件或所描写的性质等抽象的对象。3、主语+谓语+宾语 主谓宾结构的句子,即I eat an apple.我吃了个苹果。注释:...

19230095716英语作文《Have a picnic》
时殷胥答:In the afternoon we held a picnic in the park.Mike is eating a banana.Wendy is a coke.Billy is going to eat sausage.I am going to eat out five apples.Bettey is drinking milk.We eat very happy.It was really a happy for a picnic.望采纳 ...

时殷胥答:乔布斯英文名:Steve Paul Jobs “苹果”电脑的创始人,1985年获得了由里根总统授予的国家级技术勋章;1997年成为《时代周刊》的封面人物;同年被评为最成功的管理者,是声名显赫的“计算机狂人”。 企业类型:计算机业。 成长记录:他是一个美国式的英雄,几经起伏,但依然屹立不倒,就像海明威在...

19230095716i apple you为什么是喜欢你的意思
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