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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-16

《What else can I say?》
I don't know how many are like me, intrigued by the new P&P movie but falling in love with this miniseries instead.

I tried to read P&P before but couldn't finish the first a couple of pages, under a false impression coming from reading the first quarter of sense and sensibility that the heroine in P&P was also full of vanity and conceit. I was prejudiced too, hehe. So when the new movie came out I went to have a look, wondering why the novel's this popular. The Elizabeth in the movie is lovely, so is Mr. Darcy, but still not good enough to outperform Ehle and Colin whom I discovered in a searching for more P&P information.

Colin Firth's eyes are so expressive, his body language is so subtle, and I doubt anyone can ever replace him as Mr Darcy. I began to re-read the novel after finishing the miniseries due to difficulty of understanding some dialogues. The heroine in the first half is very self-conscious but acceptable with witty lines here and there. She turns better in the other half where the chemistry starts to make itself apparent and draws all my attention. The hero is absolutely charming, probably because I imaged him as Colin, who is soooooo handsome and cute by the way :), from the very beginning.

Unlike the movie, the plot of this miniseries keeps faithful to the novel but still refreshes us with a few new scenes those are absolutely natural and are definitely an enhancement. To those who think the wet shirt makes Darcy sexual and so degrade the taste, please watch it again without any prejudice. I don't see the wet shirt sexually seducing, actually I don't see anything related to sex. I only see a Darcy not surrounded by his pride and vulnerable to love. Oh, I can't tell how ardently I admire and love him! This miniseries is superb and I can watch it again and again and again!

《wonderful adaption》
After freezing my behind off out in the cold to wait in line for more than an hour last night, I want to say that it was SO worth the wait.

It's difficult for me to write about this movie, because I loved it so much that I didn't know where to begin. Well, let's start from the story itself. I guess anybody who's mildly interested in this movie would already know what it's about, but here's a little recap again(taken from yahoo movies):
"The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century. The five Bennet sisters--including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia--have all been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a husband. When a wealthy bachelor takes up residence in a nearby mansion, the Bennets are abuzz. Amongst the man's sophisticated circle of friends, surely there will be no shortage of suitors for the Bennet sisters. But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome but snobbish Mr. Darcy, the battle of the sexes is joined."

I would say the movie stays close to the original plot for the most part. Some parts are missing, but that is expected in order to fit the story into a 2-hour movie. I liked it that the movie toned down Mrs. Bennet's constant embarrassing tones and behaviors, and limited the screen time for the ever annoying Wickham, since I really can't stand the two of them.

The cinematography was beautiful and eyes-captivating, the sceneries and sets were breathtaking, and every shot of the movie was so carefully calculated and seemed so free-flowing that you would think a lot of scenes were shot in one long swoop. I especially loved the ballroom dancing scenes. There were a lot of people in the room and could be very confusing, but the director successfully did his magic and had us focus on the main characters at all times without straining our eyes.

The casts were superb, especially Keira Knightley as Lizzy. I never really liked her, hated her in "Pirates of Caribbean" and "Love Actually". But here, she's the one person who really shined and carried most scenes. As the headstrong Elizabeth, she's intelligent, playful, cheery, yet passionate all at the same time. At the scene where she confronts Darcy's confession, you can really see the fire in her eyes, and it gets your blood boiling along with her. At the end, when she talks to Mr. Bennet about her love for Darcy, wow, it was so sweet and powerful that it almost made me cry. Unfortunately, with Knightley shining so bright, I feel that Matthew MacFadyen as Mr. Darcy was a bit over-shadowed by her. With Colin Firth's Darcy being so successful, it's hard for anyone to fill his shoes, but MacFadyen did it very well. You can't quite compare the two Mr. Darcy's, since MacFadyen played it with a slightly different tone. His Darcy is still dark, but there's a certain silly-ness about him that made us laugh, in a good way. He showed a lot more emotion through his actions, facial expressions and body language than Firth ever did. The way he went to see Lizzy for no reason at all, the scene where he touched her hand, and how when they're the only ones in each other's eyes while dancing in a room full of people; yikes, he will make your heart melt!

One thing though, loyal fans of the novel might not be so fond of the ending. Instead of a wedding, the movie invents a brand new ending scene that doesn't quite fit into a Jane Austen movie. I liked it though, it's romantic enough. :)

Tell you all a little secret, since my post from last night, I've actually watched this movie twice already. Call me crazy, but a little Jane Austen is always the best cure for those of us who have lost all hopes in classical old-fashioned romance.


2005版《傲慢与偏见》这是一部根据简•奥斯汀的同名小说改编,由Joe Wright导演的影片,影片主要讲述了美丽的伊丽莎白因为达西先生傲慢的态度而对他产生了偏见。经过种种波折,终于冰释前嫌,走到一起的故事。影片是围绕贝内特一家人展开的,展示了在当时那个以金钱为婚姻的主要参考的社会下,女主人公独到的爱情观。同时,在影片中,还有伊丽莎白姐妹以及朋友的婚姻,作为陪衬,更加突出了影片主旨。“唯有爱情才能让我走进婚姻的殿堂”这是影片中伊丽莎白的一句至理名言。


[表演]女主角的饰演者凯拉•奈特利(Keira Knightley)在《傲慢与偏见》中的表现非常优秀,具有灵气,活泼可爱又把伊丽莎白的坚韧自我表现得恰到好处。。
马修•麦克法登(Matthew Macfadyen),据说这位以舞台剧起家的演员很有特点很有才华,我也能够体会。他的那双眼睛,湛蓝的眼睛,看着伊丽莎白时总是含情脉脉,清澈又复杂,总是给人一种默默的沉静,开始有些淡淡的自负,后来在对伊丽莎白表白被拒的不解和伤感,再到静静凝视伊丽莎白时的忧郁,到最后伊丽莎白接受他时的喜悦,他的眼神很美很干净很复杂。



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戚隶沸答:[表演]女主角的饰演者凯拉•奈特利(Keira Knightley)在《傲慢与偏见》中的表现非常优秀,具有灵气,活泼可爱又把伊丽莎白的坚韧自我表现得恰到好处。。马修•麦克法登(Matthew Macfadyen),据说这位以舞台剧起家的演员很有特点很有才华,我也能够体会。他的那双眼睛,湛蓝的眼睛,看着伊丽莎白...

戚隶沸答:<傲慢与偏见>英文剧情介绍 The story is based on Jane Austen's novel about five sisters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet - in Georgian England. Their lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in...

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戚隶沸答:电影《傲慢与偏见》英文简介:Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) and her sister Jane Bennet (Rosamand Parker), sister Mary Bennet (Dalula Lely), Katie Bennet (Kerry Mulligan) and Lydia Bennet (Gina Malone) are all sisters from small landlord families. Mrs. Bennet's greatest goal in...

戚隶沸答:[编辑本段]【95版电影傲慢与偏见】 基本信息 导演: Simon Langton 主演: 科林·费尔斯 Colin Firth 詹妮弗·艾莉 Jennifer Ehle David Bamber ... 国家/地区: 英国 对白语言:英语 上映日期:1995年9月24日 英国 ... 类型:爱情/剧情 片长:300 min 剧情简介 温柔的伊莉莎白是班尼家最有才气的五千金之一,却因...

戚隶沸答:[编辑本段]【95版电影傲慢与偏见】 基本信息 导演:Simon Langton 主演:科林·费尔斯 Colin Firth 詹妮弗·艾莉 Jennifer Ehle David Bamber ... 国家/地区: 英国 对白语言:英语 上映日期:1995年9月24日 英国 ... 类型:爱情/剧情 片长:300 min 剧情简介 温柔的伊莉莎白是班尼家最有才气的五千金之一,却因第...


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