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求典范英语第6套《我的朋友曼德拉》《北极英雄马修汉森的故事》《球王贝利的故事》 第七套《送错的信》的

来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-16
Nwlson Mandela was the most famous prisoner in the world.He is probably now one of the most famous grandfathers in the world!Here he is celebrating a birthday with his family,
This book is about another grandfather,who is not world-famous.He is talking to his yound grandson is called Andils(And-eel-ay)and he is growing up in a very different South Africa to that of his grandfather and Nelson Mandela.
Andile has friends who are both black and white,and knows little of the struggle that Nelson Mandla fought for a better life for South Africa's black people.So,Andile's grandfather tells him that story.
Andile calls his grandfather tamkbulu,which means grandfather.

尤叙紫答:正文:My name is Alice. I am a poor black worker working in South Africa. At that time, I first met Mandela at a very difficult time. I was 12 years old at that time. In 1952, Mandela was a black lawyer. I went to consult them and he provided guidance to help poor ...


尤叙紫答:2013-08-29 典范英语6的12-18每章节的内容概括? 1 2014-09-11 典范英语我的朋友曼德拉读后感,少于150字 2012-05-17 典范英语6第12本 --- 第18本的梗概 不要少于80词 ... 4 2011-02-28 典范英语6第18本《我的朋友曼德拉》的梗概,200~300字... 145 2011-09-17 急!30分!只限2个小时!典范...

尤叙紫答:曼德拉,在非洲人眼中,是一个英雄!他为了拯救非洲而奋斗!曼德拉出生在一个贫穷的农村,他甚至没有衣服穿!在朊病毒,他在为他的国家更难,他始终相信自己一定会成功!最终他成为了世界上最著名的囚犯! 我自己编的,看在都是同道中人就告诉你!要英文的话就上百度翻译!↖(^ω^)↗加油!—...

尤叙紫答:《我的朋友曼德拉》Introduction:Nwlson Mandela was the most famous prisoner in the world.He is probably now one of the most famous grandfathers in the world!Here he is celebrating a birthday with his family,This book is about another grandfather,who is not world-famous.He is ...

尤叙紫答:But life didn’t break him. He finally came out of the prison and became the president of South Africa.From his experiences,we can draw a sound conclusion that Mandela is a great fighter for equal rights and freedom of the blacks .In addition,he is also a peace-lover and ...

尤叙紫答:译文:纳尔逊·曼德拉于1918年7月18日出生在南非的特兰斯凯。他的父亲是一个部落的酋长。曼德拉从小就有坚强的性格,他非常崇尚民族英雄。作为家中的长子,曼德拉被任命为部落的继承人,但他拒绝了。他说他永远不会用一个酋长的身份来称呼一个被压迫的部落。英语翻译技巧:1、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的...

尤叙紫答:Mandela fought for the people of South Africa. In prison, he struggld even harder for his country.He became the most famous prisoner in the world.

尤叙紫答:little head and say,"Oh,how lovely!"Lily is also very brave.I remember one evening two weeks ago,mom sent me to buy some salt and sugar downstair.When I was back on the darksome stairway,I suddenly saw a black shadow behind me,was that a ghost?I was so frightened ...

尤叙紫答:wild place.One day, Ma out to find food, but meet a bear! But the bear wasn’t make Ma danger, it was at surprised as they were. In 1869, they left their safe little house to the new lands in the West. But Jack had gone when they were swim crossed the rivers. By ...

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