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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-14

答:sequence, the spring and autumn annals. Confucius' thought and theory of later generations produced profound influence.孔子(公元前551--公元前479),名丘,字仲尼,春秋末期鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜市东南)人。他是我国古代著名的思想家、教育家、儒家学派创始人。相传有弟子三千,贤弟子七十二人,孔子曾...

答:孔丘 (前551年9月28日~前479年4月11日),字仲尼.排行老二,汉族人,春秋时期鲁国人.孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创始人,世界最著名的文化名人之一。编撰了我国第一部编年体史书《春秋》.据有关记载,孔子出生于鲁国陬邑昌平乡(今山东省曲阜市东南的南辛镇鲁源村)。孔子逝世时,享年...

答:its development has deep influence. In Taoism in Lao tze revered tao fathers.老子,我国古代伟大的哲学家和思想家、道家学派创始人,世界文化名人,世界百位历史名人之一,存世有《道德经》,其作品的精华是朴素的辨证法,主张无为而治,其学说对中国哲学发展具有深刻影响。在道教中老子被尊为道祖。

答:the apartment, aged 75, dead because atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease.张爱玲,中国现代作家,本名张瑛,出生在上海公共租界西区的麦根路313号的一幢建于清末的仿西式豪宅中。张爱玲的家世显赫,祖父张佩纶是清末名臣,祖母李菊耦是朝廷重臣李鸿章的长女。张爱玲一生创作大量文学作品。类型包括小说、散文...

答:。Jackie Chan 成龙 Jackie chan, April 7, 1954 was born in Hong Kong vivtoria and native shandong, the greater China area film star and international kung fu movie superstar, in Chinese world very prestigious and influence. He and Stephen chow chow, saying "double Monday into...

答:Vietnam and other regions have a profound effect, the region is known as the Confucian cultural circle.孔子(前551年9月28日-前479年4月11日),子姓, 孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,鲁国陬邑(今中国山东省曲阜市南辛镇)人,中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家,儒家的创始人。孔子集华夏上古文化之大...

答:Liu Xiang 刘翔 Yao Ming 姚明 Zhang Ziyi 章子怡 Sun Nan 孙楠 Lu Xun 鲁迅 Zhou Enlai 周恩来 Barack Obama 贝拉克 奥巴马 Kobe Bryant 科比 布莱恩特 David Beckham 大卫 贝克汉姆 Gordon Brown 戈登 布朗 英国首相 John Lennon 约翰 列侬 已故著名歌手 Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 著名演员 ...

答:刘翔 Liu Xiang (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a Chinese hurdling athlete and Olympic gold medalist who holds the current world record in the 110 metres hurdles with a time of 12.88 seconds.Career In 2002, Liu launched his professional career by winning his first ...

答:Sima Qian (司马迁) The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima Qian took on the task of writing a plete...

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闵毛善17273271409:    求:用英语描述描一个中国著名个人物或你欣赏的个人物 -
窦迫仁:      : Deng Yaping was born on 2nd of June,1973. She started to play table tennis in 1978. In 1983,she joined the Henan table tennis team. And she joined the national table tennis team in 1988. In 1997,she went to Tsinghua University. She majored in ...

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窦迫仁:      : I have a friend named YangYang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like ...

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窦迫仁:      :[答案] Confucius (BC), BC, 479-551 ZhongNi name mound, word of spring and autumn and the end Zou towns (now shandong 481... 字仲尼,春秋末期鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜市东南)人. 他是我国古代著名的思想家、教育家、儒家学派创始人.相传有弟子三...

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窦迫仁:      :[答案] Liu Xiang,one of the top Chinese athletes,was born in Shanghai on July 13th,1983.He won first place in 110 meters hurdles ... as those with black skin and white skin!more miracles will arise in China!” Liu Xiang is hero in track and field,but he is just a ...

闵毛善17273271409:    求帮写一篇英语讲稿,介绍一位中国的历史人物,要求三分钟左右最好是介绍刘邦吧,不行的其他也行,麻烦多点朋友来帮帮忙 -
窦迫仁:      :[答案] Liu Bang- Founder of The Han DynastyBy KevinMar,20,20051 IntroductionEmperor Gaozu,also known under the name Liu Bang,was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 24 AD).He was born into a peasa...

闵毛善17273271409:    中国的名人有哪些 (用英语写出来)
窦迫仁:      : jay zhou

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