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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com    作者:编辑   日期:2024-06-01

Confucius (BC), BC, 479-551 ZhongNi name mound, word of spring and autumn and the end Zou towns (now shandong 481b.c ocres. Southeast)
He is our country ancient famous thinker, educator, founder of Confucianism. Legend has three thousand disciples, Yin disciple, Confucius had led 72 disciple to travel around 14 years. Confucius was a tidy home, have situations in the repair "poem", "book", settle "ritual", "happy" zhouyi, sequence, the spring and autumn annals. Confucius' thought and theory of later generations produced profound influence.

Hello Tom,
Long time no see, how are you? I want to thank you for helping me to improve my English, now I'm confident enough to speak English and I'm doing my work quite well. Thank you very much! And I hope you enjoy your life as well.

Best Wish

你好 汤姆,
好久不见,你好吗?我想谢谢你帮助我学习英语使我有了很大的进步, 现在我有足够的自信心去说英语 而且 我现在还在很好的学习。 非常感谢你! 我希望你也过得开心。


Lao tze, our country ancient great philosophers and thinkers, Taoist school founder, world culture celebrities, the world 100 historical celebrities, there are one of the tao-te ching, its work is an essence of simple dialectics, advocated governing theory in Chinese philosophy, its development has deep influence. In Taoism in Lao tze revered tao fathers.

诸和冠答:用英语介绍一位历史人物内容如下:一、介绍鲁迅:Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was China's famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist.He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after th...

诸和冠答:Lao tze, our country ancient great philosophers and thinkers, Taoist school founder, world culture celebrities, the world 100 historical celebrities, there are one of the tao-te ching, its work is an essence of simple dialectics, advocated governing theory in Chinese philosophy, its de...

诸和冠答:sequence, the spring and autumn annals. Confucius' thought and theory of later generations produced profound influence.孔子(公元前551--公元前479),名丘,字仲尼,春秋末期鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜市东南)人。他是我国古代著名的思想家、教育家、儒家学派创始人。相传有弟子三千,贤弟子七十二人,孔子曾...

17030418768用英语介绍三国演义里随便一个名人 不要太多 30词左右 超过45忽略不...
诸和冠答:张飞 Zhang Fei (?-221 AD) was a military general of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China.Zhang Fei was shown to have been a masterful general rather than simply a warrior. He treated his superiors with respect, but had little respect for his underlings. He was ...

诸和冠答:历史人物屈原的英语作文 篇1 Qu Yuan (ca.340 BCE – 278 BCE) was a Chinese scholar and minister to the King from the southern Chu during the Warring States Period.His works are mostly found in an anthology of poetry known as Chu Ci.His death is traditionally commemorated on ...

诸和冠答:but quickly countered by Man Chong's diplomatic skill. Man Chong had been placed as an official there for this specific reason, as Cao Cao had foreseen the situation prior to the battle.Finally, with the help of a defector from Yuan Shao's army, Xu You, who informed Cao Cao...

诸和冠答:屈原是中国文学史上第一位伟大的爱国诗人.他的作 Qu Yuan was one of China's literary history of the great patriotic poet. For his 品开创了我国诗歌的浪漫主义传统.他的崇高精神和巍 Commodities created a tradition of Romantic poetry. His lofty spirit and Wei 巍人格千百年来感召和哺育着...

诸和冠答:「孔子」Twenty-five hundred years ago life in China was very hard. Most of the people were hopelessly poor. Into these times one of China's great leaders was born. He was Confucius. Confucius came from a noble family, but his parents were poor. His father died when Confucius ...

诸和冠答:soon after his death, but a unified China remained for over 2,000 years. Chinas name is derived from his short but seminal dynasty, Qin (pronounced Chin).秦朝在他死后不久就结束了,但是一个统一的中国仍然存在了2000多年。中国的名字来源于他短暂但具有开创性的王朝秦(发音为Chin)。


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