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来源:www.zuowenzhai.com   投稿:2024-06-15

答:《傲慢与偏见》第一句话是:中文:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。英文:It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.小说一开场,就出现这句话,说明了这样有钱的单身汉,每逢新搬...

three and twenty years
答:《傲慢与偏见》原文:Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character.翻译如下:班纳特先生真是个古怪人,他讽刺幽默,不拘言笑而又变幻...

答:有钱的单身汗总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

【抄一本名著】《傲慢与偏见》第二章(Part 1)
答:原文:Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid she had no knowledge of it. It was then disc...

傲慢与偏见中的话 英文原文是怎么样的
答:If a woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it, she may lose the opportunity of fixing him; and it will then be but poor consolation to believe the world equally in the dark.

答:1    简·奥斯汀 《傲慢与偏见》开头 英文原文:首先,开头一句话,读者就了解到故事主题是关于婚姻与财产 ,也了解了故事发生的时代心理背景,为书中人物的行为提供了意识上的支撑(锚点)。其次,这句话也表达了当时社会的一种偏见,而“truth universally acknowledged” 世上所有人都认可...

答:第二十二章 第三自然段,原文如下 第二十二章 --- 这一天班纳特全家都被卢卡斯府上请去吃饭,又多蒙卢卡斯小姐一片好意,整日陪着柯林斯先生谈话。伊丽莎白利用了一个机会向她道谢。她说:“这样可以叫他精神痛快些,我对你真是说不尽的感激。”夏绿蒂说,能够替朋友效劳,非常乐意,虽然花了一点时间...

【抄一本名著】《傲慢与偏见》第一章(Part 1)
答:附英文原文 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds ...

傲慢与偏见中,为什么Bennet太太说“what a fine thing for our dau...
答:《傲慢与偏见》,原文句子是:“Oh!Single,my dear,to be sure!A single man of large fortune;four or five thousand a year.What a fine thing for our girls!”译文:“噢!是个单身汉,亲爱的,确确实实是个单身汉!一个有钱的单身汉;每年有四五千镑的收入。真是女儿们的福气!”Mrs....

答:1、第二十二章,作者描写夏洛特的婚姻,原文:it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want.2、第十九章,伊丽莎白拒绝柯林斯求婚时候说的。原文:-- You could not...

夔油倪15696899899:    傲慢与偏见(英国作家简·奥斯汀创作的长篇小说) - 搜狗百科
伏仇海:      : 玛丽所说的:[Most arrogant person, regardless of this arrogance is real, or abstract, very few people can not hate someone else hurt their dignity. A person must not be arrogant and conceited. Arrogant only thinking of our own title, but others of our...

夔油倪15696899899:    傲慢与偏见 原文出处 -
伏仇海:      : 傲慢与偏见》是奥斯丁的代表作.这部作品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情.这部社会风情画式的小说不仅...

夔油倪15696899899:    傲慢与偏见英文原文解惑 -
伏仇海:      : 从With amazement did she first understand that he believed any apology to be in his power...到这段最后,大致意思是: 她(伊丽莎白)很惊讶达西居然能够对他的所作所为作出解释,伊丽莎白坚信达西是不能够反驳的,只要他有一点羞愧之心...

夔油倪15696899899:    傲慢与偏见 -
伏仇海:      : 英文版的就不打了,太繁琐...中文的:第一卷第十章:达西趁宾利小姐弹起一支苏格兰舞曲的当儿,邀请伊丽莎白跳舞:“贝内特小姐,你是不是很想抓住机会跳一曲里尔舞?”伊利莎白笑了笑,没有回答.达西见她焖声不响,觉得有...

夔油倪15696899899:    傲慢与偏见英文原文解惑简奥斯汀的傲慢与偏见第36章第一段话,有好多费解的地方:believed any apology to be in his power.hardly left her power of ... -
伏仇海:      :[答案] 从With amazement did she first understand that he believed any apology to be in his power...到这段最后,大致意思是: 她(伊丽莎白)很惊讶达西居然能够对他的所作所为作出解释,伊丽莎白坚信达西是不能够反驳...

夔油倪15696899899:    <<傲慢与偏见>>的大概内容是什么? -
伏仇海:      : 小乡绅班纳特有五个待字闺中的千金,班纳特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫. 新来的邻居彬格莱(Charles)是个有钱的单身汉,他立即成了班纳特太太追猎的目标.在一次舞会上,彬格莱对班纳特家的大女儿简(Jane)一见钟...

夔油倪15696899899:    傲慢与偏见》简介
伏仇海:      : 希望对你有帮助: 《傲慢与偏见》(1813)原名《最初的印象》(first impression),是奥斯丁的代表作,通过婚姻问题的描写展示了当时英国社会的生活画面.故事围绕贝内特(Bennet)一家几个女儿的婚姻大事展开.从伦敦新搬来的单身...

夔油倪15696899899:    求傲慢与偏见原文翻译是...
伏仇海:      : 《Pride And Prejudice》 May be buried emotion too deeply , sometimes it's a bad thing. If a woman disguised her love for the man's feelings, she may lose the opportunity to get him.机器加上自己蒙的

夔油倪15696899899:    奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》共有几章? -
伏仇海:      : 一、奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》一共三卷,共六十一章. 第一卷:23章 第二卷:19章 第三卷:19章二、作品简介: 《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作.这部作品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作...

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